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Biotechnology Reports

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Potential applications of ferulic acid from natural sources

Published:1 December 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2014.09.002 PMID: 28626667
Naresh Kumar, Vikas Pruthi


Ferulic acid (FA), a ubiquitous natural phenolic phytochemical present in seeds, leaves, bothin its free form and covalently conjugated to the plant cell wall polysaccharides, glycoproteins,polyamines, lignin and hydroxy fatty acids. FA plays a vital role in providing the rigidity to the cell wall and formation of other important organic compounds like coniferyl alcohol, vanillin, sinapic, diferulic acid and curcumin. FA exhibits wide variety of biological activities such as antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antiallergic, hepatoprotective, anticarcinogenic, antithrombotic, increase sperm viability, antiviral and vasodilatory actions, metal chelation, modulation of enzyme activity, activation of transcriptional factors, gene expression and signal transduction.

Substances (6)

Related products
Procduct Name CAS Molecular Formula Supplier Price
Vanillin 121-33-5 C8H8O3 1298 suppliers $9.00-$8210.00
Curcumin 458-37-7 C21H20O6 1050 suppliers $5.00-$1280.00
Ferulic Acid 1135-24-6 C10H10O4 882 suppliers $6.00-$1475.10
CONIFERYL ALCOHOL 458-35-5 C10H12O3 185 suppliers $50.00-$1609.00
SINAPIC ACID sinapic acid C22H22O9 6 suppliers Inquiry
Chenodeoxycholic Acid, Free Acid 5 suppliers Inquiry

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