2-Methylpropan-2-thiol Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Die D?mpfe sind schwerer als Luft und k?nnen sich am Boden ausbreiten. Fernzündung m?glich.
Zersetzung beim Verbrennen unter Bildung giftiger Gase mit Schwefeloxiden. Reagiert mit starken S?uren, starken Basen, Metallen, starken Oxidations- und Reduktionsmitteln unter Bildung von Schwefeloxiden.
TLV nicht festgelegt.
MAK nicht festgelegt.
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation.
Beim Verdampfen bei 20 °C kann schnell eine gesundheitssch?dliche Kontamination der Luft eintreten.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: Die Substanz reizt die Augen und die Atmungsorgane. Exposition in hohen Konzentrationen kann zu Bewusstseinstrübung führen.
Gefahrenbereich verlassen! Zündquellen entfernen. Ausgelaufene Flüssigkeit m?glichst in abdichtbaren Beh?ltern sammeln. Reste mit Sand oder inertem Absorptionsmittel aufnehmen und an einen sicheren Ort bringen. NICHT in die Kanalisation spülen! Reste sorgf?ltig sammeln. An sicheren Ort bringen. Pers?nliche Schutzausrüstung: Atemschutzfilter für organische Gase und D?mpfe.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R41:Gefahr ernster Augensch?den.
R65:Gesundheitssch?dlich: kann beim Verschlucken Lungensch?den verursachen.
R43:Sensibilisierung durch Hautkontakt m?glich.
R36:Reizt die Augen.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S3:Kühl aufbewahren.
S16:Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen.
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
S39:Schutzbrille/Gesichtsschutz tragen.
S38:Bei unzureichender Belüftung Atemschutzger?t anlegen.
S36/37:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzkleidung tragen.
tert-Butylthiol, also known as 2-methyl propane-2-thiol, 2- methyl-2-propane thiol, tert-butyl mercaptan (TBM), and t-BuSH, is an organo sulfur compound with the formula (CH
3CSH. This thiol may have been used as a flavoring agent, as an odorant for natural gas (which is odorless), and also in a wide range of organic reactions.
Chemische Eigenschaften
liquid with an exceedingly unpleasant smell
2-Methyl-2-propanethiol was used in reaction of 2-methyl-2-propanethiol on Mo(110) using temperature programmed reaction, high resolution electron enegy loss and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies. It was used in the synthesis of chain-transfer agents for reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer copolymerization of vinylidene chloride and methyl acrylate.
tert-Butyl thiol likely does not occur naturally, but at least one publication has listed it as a very minor component of cooked potatoes. The compound was first prepared in 1890 by Leonard Dobbin by the reaction of zinc sulfide and t-butyl chloride.
The compound was later prepared in 1932 by the reaction of the Grignard reagent, t-BuMgCl, with sulfur to give the corresponding thiolate, followed by hydrolysis. This preparation is shown below:
t-BuMgCl + S → t-BuSMgCl
t-BuSMgCl + H
2O → t-BuSH + Mg(OH)Cl
It is currently prepared industrially by the reaction of isobutylene with hydrogen sulfide over a clay (silica alumina) catalyst.
tert-Butylthiol can react with metal alkoxides and acyl chlorides to form thiol esters, as shown in the equation :
In the reaction above, thallium (I) ethoxide converts to thallium (I) t-butyl thiolate. In the presence of diethyl ether, thallium (I) tbutylthiolate reacts with acyl chlorides to give the corresponding tertbutyl thioesters. Like other thio esters, it reverts back to tert-butylthiol by hydrolysis.
Lithium 2-methyl propane-2-thiolate can be prepared by treatment of tert-butyl thiol with lithium hydride in an aprotic solvent such as hexa methyl phosphorous triamide (HMPT). The resulting thiolate salt is a useful demethylating reagent. For example, treatment with 7- methyl guanosine gives guanosine. Other N-methylated nucleosides in tRNA are not demethylated by this reagent .
Allgemeine Beschreibung
2-Methyl-2-propanethiol undergoes ring opening nucleophilic reaction with 3-isothiazolones and reaction kinetics studies suggested reaction was second order in thiol and third order overall.
Flammable, dangerous fire risk. Very toxic.
Moderately toxic by
intraperitoneal route. Mildly toxic by
ingestion. An eye irritant. A very dangerous
fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame.
Can react vigorously with oxidizing
materials. To fight fire, use alcohol foam,
dry chemical, mist, fog. When heated to
decomposition or on contact with acid or
acid fumes it emits highly toxic fumes of
Even in well ventilated areas, extreme caution must be made when handling tert-butylthiol as it is a highly odorous chemical with an odor threshold of < 0.33 ppb. Extreme caution is not due to toxicity, but due to the significant odor and concerns that this odor would cause to the many individuals that might be exposed. The PEL for thiols of most types is 500 ppb, primarily due to reaction of nausea at levels of 2–3 ppm. The LC
50 of tert-butylthiol is much, much higher.
l?uterung methode
Dry the thiol for several days over CaO, then distil it from CaO. Purify it as for 2-methylpropane-1-thiol above. [Beilstein 1 H 383, 1 II 416, 1 III 1589, 1 IV 1634.]
2-Methylpropan-2-thiol Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte