Ethanthiol Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Die D?mpfe sind schwerer als Luft und k?nnen sich am Boden ausbreiten. Fernzündung m?glich.
Zersetzung beim Erhitzen unter Bildung giftiger Rauche mit Schwefelwasserstoffund Schwefeloxiden. Schwache S?ure. Reagiert mit Oxidationsmitteln unter Feuer- und Explosionsgefahr. Reagiert mit starken S?uren unter Bildung giftiger Gase, Schwefelwasserstoff und Schwefeloxide. (Siehe ICSC 0165.)
TLV: 0.5 ppm (als TWA); (ACGIH 2005).
MAK: 0.5 ppm, 1.3 mg/m? Spitzenbegrenzung: überschreitungsfaktor II(2); Schwangerschaft: Gruppe D; (DFG 2006).
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation und durch Verschlucken.
Beim Verdampfen bei 20°C kann sehr schnell eine gesundheitssch?dliche Kontamination der Luft eintreten.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: Die Substanz reizt die Augen, die Haut und die Atemwege. M?glich sind Auswirkungen auf das Zentralnervensystem mit nachfolgender Bewusstseinstrübung und Atemdepression.
Gefahrenbereich verlassen! Ausgelaufene Flüssigkeit in abdichtbaren Beh?ltern sammeln. NICHT in die Kanalisation spülen. Pers?nliche Schutzausrüstung: Umgebungsluftunabh?ngiges Atemschutzger?t.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R20:Gesundheitssch?dlich beim Einatmen.
R50/53:Sehr giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gew?ssern l?ngerfristig sch?dliche Wirkungen haben.
R51/53:Giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gew?ssern l?ngerfristig sch?dliche Wirkungen haben.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S16:Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen.
S25:Berührung mit den Augen vermeiden.
S60:Dieses Produkt und sein Beh?lter sind als gef?hrlicher Abfall zu entsorgen.
S61:Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen/Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen.
Aussehen Eigenschaften
C2H6S; Ethylmercaptan, Ethylthioalkohol, Ethylsulfhydrat. Farblose, übelriechende Flüssigkeit.
Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt
Gesundheitsschädlich beim Einatmen.
Reizt die Augen und die Haut. Schädigt das Nervensystem, die Leber und die Lunge. Bei Inhalation sind Lungenödeme möglich.
Nicht mit Oxidationsmitteln in Berührung bringen.
Setzt bei Zersetzung Schwefelwasserstoff frei. Leichtentzündlich.
50 (oral, Ratte): 682 mg/kg
Schutzma?nahmen und Verhaltensregeln
Geeignete Schutzhandschuhe als kurzzeitiger Spritzschutz.
Verhalten im Gefahrfall
Mit flüssigkeitsbindendem Material aufnehmen. Der Entsorgung zuführen. Nachreinigen.
Kohlendioxid, Pulver, Schaum.
Brennbar. Dämpfe schwerer als Luft. Mit Luft Bildung explosionsfähiger Gemische möglich. Im Brandfall können Schwefeloxide freigesetzt werden.
Erste Hilfe
Nach Hautkontakt: Mit reichlich Wasser abwaschen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Bei geöffnetem Lidspalt mit reichlich fliessendem Wasser (Augendusche!) mindestens 15 Minuten ausspülen. Sofort Augenarzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Einatmen: Frischluft. Sofort Arzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Verschlucken: Mund mit Wasser ausspülen. Sofort Arzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Kleidungskontakt: Kontaminierte Kleidung sofort entfernen.
Ersthelfer: siehe gesonderten Anschlag
Sachgerechte Entsorgung
Als wässrige Lösung mit 3% Wasserstoffperoxid im Sauren vorsichtig oxidieren. Dann als wässrige, saure Lösemittelabfälle.
Ethane thiol, commonly known as ethyl mercaptan, is a colorless gas or clear liquid with a distinct odor. It is an organosulfur compound with the formula CH
2SH. Abbreviated EtSH, it consists of an ethyl group (Et), CH
2, attached to a thiol group, SH. Its structure parallels that of ethanol, but with S instead of O. The odor of EtSH is infamous. Ethanethiol is more volatile than ethanol due to a diminished ability to engage in hydrogen bonding. Ethanethiol is toxic. It occurs naturally as a minor component of petroleum, and may be added to other wise odorless gaseous products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to help warn of gas leaks. At these concentrations, ethanethiol is not harmful.
Physikalische Eigenschaften
Colorless liquid with a strong, disagreeable, skunk-like or rotten egg odor. Extremely flammable
liquid or gas. An experimentally determined odor threshold concentration of 1 ppb
v was reported
by Leonardos et al. (1969). Katz and Talbert (1930) reported experimental detection odor
threshold concentrations in the range 0.66–7.6 μg/m
3 (0.26 to 3.0 ppb
Ethanethiol is used as an intermediate inthe manufacture of insecticides, plastics, andantioxidants; and as an additive to natural gasto give odor. It occurs in illuminating gas andin petroleum distillates.
Ethanethiol is prepared by the reaction of ethylene with hydrogen sulfide over a catalyst. The various producers utilize different catalysts in this process. It is also be prepared commercially by the reaction of ethanol with hydrogen sulfide gas over an acidic solid catalyst, such as alumina.
Ethanethiol was originally reported by Zeiss in 1834 . Zeise treated calcium ethyl sulfate with a suspension of barium sulfide saturated with hydrogen sulfide. He is credited with naming the C
5S- group as mercaptum.
Ethanethiol can also be prepared by a halide displacement reaction, where ethyl halide is reacted with aqueous sodium bisulfide. This conversion was demonstrated as early as 1840 by Henri Victor Regnault.
Vorbereitung Methode
Ethyl mercaptan is prepared by distilling ethyl potassium sulfate with potassium hydrogen sulfide. Additional mercaptans can be prepared in a similar manner with the corresponding proper ingredients.
ChEBI: Ethanethiol is an alkanethiol that is ethane substituted by a thiol group at position 1. It is added to odorless gaseous products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to provide a garlic scent which helps warn of gas leaks. It has a role as a rodenticide.
Ethane thiol is a valued reagent in organic synthesis. In the presence of sodium hydroxide, it gives the powerful nucleophile SEt-. The salt can be generated quantitatively by reaction with sodium hydride.
Ethane thiol can be oxidized to ethyl sulfonic acid, using bleach and related strong aqueous oxidants. Weaker oxidants, such as ferric oxide give the disulfide, diethyl disulfide :
2 EtSH + H
2 → EtS-SEt + 2 H
Like other thiols, it behaves comparably to hydrogen sulfide. For example, it binds, concomitant with deprotonation to "soft" transition metal cations, such as Hg
2+, Cu
+, and Ni
2+ to give polymeric thiolato complexes, Hg(SEt)
2, CuSEt, and Ni(SEt)
2, respectively.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
A clear colorless low-boiling liquid (boiling point 97°F) with an overpowering, garlic-like/skunk-like odor. Flash point -55°F. Less dense than water and very slightly soluble in water. Vapors are heavier than air. Vapors may irritate nose and throat. May be toxic if swallowed, by inhalation or by contact. Added to natural gas as an odorant. Used as a stabilizer for adhesives.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Highly flammable. A very dangerous fire hazard. Very slightly soluble in water.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
Ethanethiol reacts violently with calcium hypochlorite, May react vigorously with other oxidizing reagents. On contact with strong acids or when heated to decomposition Ethanethiol emits highly toxic fumes of sulfur oxides [Sax, 9th ed., 1996, p. 1575].
Toxic by ingestion and inhalation.
Flammable, dangerous fire risk.
Health Hazard
The inhalation toxicity of ethanethiol islower than that of methanethiol. Intraperitoneal administration in rats at sublethaldoses caused deep sedation, followed bylethargy, restlessness, lack of muscular coordination, and skeletal muscle paralysis.Higher doses produced cyanosis, kidney andliver damage, respiratory depression, coma,and death. The intraperitoneal LD50 value inrats was 450 mg/kg (ACGIH 1986).
Ethanethiol is metabolized to inorganicsulfate and ethyl methyl sulfone, and excreted. The oral LD50 value in rats is 680 mg/kg.
In humans, repeated exposures to itsvapors at about 5 ppm concentration canproduce irritation of the nose and throat,headache, fatigue, and nausea.
Chemische Reaktivit?t
Reactivity with Water No reaction; Reactivity with Common Materials: No reaction; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Not pertinent; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent.
Moderately toxic by
ingestion, inhalation, and intraperitoneal
routes. A skin and eye irritant. Inhalation
causes central nervous system effects in
humans. A very dangerous fire hazard when
exposed to heat or flame; can react
vigorously with oxidizing materials. A
moderate explosion hazard when exposed to
spark or flame. Violent reaction with
Ca(OCl)2. Will react with water or steam to
produce toxic and flammable vapors. To
fight fire, use CO2, dry chemical. When
heated to decomposition or on contact with
acid or acid fumes it emits hghly toxic
fumes of SOx. See also MERCAPTANS.
m?gliche Exposition
This material is used as a warning
odorant for liquefied petroleum gases. It is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of many pesticides and other
organic chemicals
Environmental Fate
Biological. Ethyl mercaptan did not degrade in anaerobic sediments and sludges nor in
anaerobic freshwater conditions (van Leerdam et al., 2006).
Photolytic. A second-order rate constant of 1.21 x 10
-12 cm
3/molecule?sec was reported for the
reaction of ethyl mercaptan and NO3 radicals in the atmosphere at 297 K (Atkinson, 1991).
Chemical/Physical. In the presence of nitric oxide, ethyl mercaptan reacted with OH radicals
forming ethyl thionitrite. The rate constant for this reaction is 2.7 x 10
-11 at 20 °C (MacLeod et al.,
UN2363 Ethyl mercaptan, Hazard Class: 3;
Labels: 3-Flammable liquid
l?uterung methode
Dissolve the thiol in aqueous 20% NaOH, extract it with a small amount of *benzene and then steam distil until clear. After cooling, the alkaline solution is acidified slightly with 15% H2SO4 and the thiol is distilled off, dried with CaSO4, CaCl2 or 4A molecular sieves, and fractionally distilled under nitrogen [Ellis & Reid J Am Chem Soc 54 1674 1932]. It has a foul odour. [Beilstein 1 IV 1390.]
May form explosive mixture with air.
Slowly forms peroxides. This material is a weak acid.
Reacts with oxidizers, causing fire and explosion hazard.
Reacts with strong acids evolving toxic and flammable
hydrogen sulfide. May accumulate static electrical charges,
and may cause ignition of its vapors. Attacks some forms
of plastics, coatings and rubber. Aldehydes are frequently
involved in self-condensation or polymerization reactions.
These reactions are exothermic; they are often catalyzed by
acid. Aldehydes are readily oxidized to give carboxylic
acids. Flammable and/or toxic gases are generated by the
combination of aldehydes with azo, diazo compounds,
dithiocarbamates, nitrides, and strong reducing agents.
Aldehydes can react with air to give first peroxo acids, and
ultimately carboxylic acids. These autoxidation reactions
are activated by light, catalyzed by salts of transition
metals, and are autocatalytic (catalyzed by the products of
the reaction). The addition of stabilizers (antioxidants) to
shipments of aldehydes retards autoxidation
Waste disposal
Incineration (1093℃) followed by scrubbing with a caustic solution
Ethanthiol Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte