Coumaphos (ISO) Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Zersetzung beim Erhitzen unter Bildung giftiger Rauche mit Schwefeloxiden, Phosphoroxiden und Chlorwasserstoff. Reagiert langsam mit Basen unter Hydrolyse.
TLV: 0.05 mg/m?(Einatembare Fraktion und Dampf) as TWA (Haut) Krebskategorie A4 (nicht klassifizierbar als krebserzeugend für den Menschen); BEI vorhanden (ACGIH 2007).
MAK nicht festgelegt (DFG 2006).
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation des Aerosols, über die Haut und durch Verschlucken.
Verdampfung bei 20°C vernachl?ssigbar; eine gesundheitssch?dliche Partikelkonzentration in der Luft kann jedoch beim Dispergieren schnell erreicht werden, vor allem als Pulver.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: Cholinesterasehemmer. Die Auswirkungen treten u.U. verz?gert ein. ?rztliche Beobachtung notwendig.
Cholinesterasehemmer. Kumulative Wirkung m?glich (s. AKUTE GEFAHREN/SYMPTOME).
Gefahrenbereich verlassen! NICHT in die Kanalisation spülen. Verschüttetes Material in abdichtbaren Beh?ltern sammeln; falls erforderlich durch Anfeuchten Staubentwicklung verhindern. Reste sorgf?ltig sammeln. An sicheren Ort bringen. Pers?nliche Schutzausrüstung: Vollschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabh?ngigem Atemschutzger?t.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R21:Gesundheitssch?dlich bei Berührung mit der Haut.
R28:Sehr giftig beim Verschlucken.
R50/53:Sehr giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gew?ssern l?ngerfristig sch?dliche Wirkungen haben.
R36:Reizt die Augen.
R20/21/22:Gesundheitssch?dlich beim Einatmen,Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S28:Bei Berührung mit der Haut sofort abwaschen mit viel . . . (vom Hersteller anzugeben).
S36/37:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzkleidung tragen.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn m?glich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S60:Dieses Produkt und sein Beh?lter sind als gef?hrlicher Abfall zu entsorgen.
S61:Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen/Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen.
S36:DE: Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung tragen.
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
S16:Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen.
Technical coumaphos is a tan crystalline solid with a slight sulphur odour. It is insoluble in
water; slightly soluble in acetone, chloroform, and ethanol; and soluble in organic solvents.
Coumaphos when heated undergoes decomposition and releases very toxic fumes of sulphur
oxides, phosphorous oxides, and chlorides. It is used for the control of a wide variety of
livestock insects, including cattle grubs, screwworms, lice, scabies, flies, and ticks. It is used
against ectoparasites, which are insects that live on the outside of host animals such as sheep, goats, horses, pigs, and poultry. Coumaphos is incompatible with alkalis, strong oxidising
agents, pyrethroids, and piperonyl butoxide. The U.S. EPA has grouped coumaphos as RUP.
Chemische Eigenschaften
coumaphos is a tan crystalline solid with a slight sulfur odor. It is insoluble in
water, slightly soluble in acetone, chloroform, and ethanol, and soluble in organic solvents.
It is used for the control of a wide variety of livestock insects, including cattle grubs, screwworms, lice, scabies, fl ies, and ticks. It is used against ectoparasites, which are insects that
live outside the host animals, such as sheep, goats, horses, pigs, and poultry. Coumaphos
is incompatible with pyrethroids and piperonyl butoxide. The US EPA has grouped coumaphos as an RUP. Acute dermal exposures to occupational workers occur during mixing,
loading, and application of coumaphos, especially in the livestock dip-vat and hand-held
sprayer uses
Coumaphos is used to control larvae of Diptera and ticks on cattle.
It has also recently been used to control Varroa mite in honeybees.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
Slightly brownish crystals with a slight sulfurous odor. Used for the control of a wide variety of livestock insects including cattle grubs, lice, scabies, flies, and ticks; the common ectoparasites of sheep, goats, horse, swine, and poultry as well as for screwworms in all these animals.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Insoluble in water. Coumaphos hydrolyzes slowly under alkaline conditions.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
Organothiophosphates, such as Coumaphos, are susceptible to formation of highly toxic and flammable phosphine gas in the presence of strong reducing agents such as hydrides. Partial oxidation by oxidizing agents may result in the release of toxic phosphorus oxides. Coumaphos reacts with strong oxidizing agents and alkaline materials.
Use may be restricted; cholinesterase
inhibitor. Questionable carcinogen.
Health Hazard
Exposures to coumaphos cause signs of poisoning such as diarrhea, drooling, diffi culty in
breathing, leg and neck stiffness among occupational workers. Acute inhalation of coumaphos causes headaches, dizziness, and incoordination. Moderate poisoning causes muscle
twitching and vomiting while severe poisoning leads to fever, toxic psychosis, lung edema,
and high blood pressure. Repeated exposures cause irritability, confusion, headache,
speech diffi culties, effects on memory concentration, disorientation, severe depressions,
sleepwalking, and drowsiness or insomnia among occupational workers. Coumaphos has
been classifi ed as non-carcinogenic to humans
When heated to decomposition, Coumaphos emits very toxic fumes of sulfur oxides, phosphorus oxides, and chlorides. Incompatible with piperonyl butoxide. Stable in water.
Landwirtschaftliche Anwendung
Insecticide, Nematocide; Veterinary medication: The U.S. EPA classifies the formulations 11.6%
EC and 42% flowable concentrate end-use products as
Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) because they pose a
hazard of acute poisoning from ingestion. Coumaphos is
an insecticide/acaricide used to control a wide variety of
liver stock insects including cattle grubs, fleeceworms, lice
scabies, flies, and ticks; the common ectoparasites of beef
cattle, dairy cows, sheep, goats, horse, swine, and poultry as well as for screw worms in all these animals. The
USDA uses coumaphos in dip vats along the U.S.-Texas
border to control ticks that carry Texas Cattle Fever. It is
added to cattle and poultry feed to control the development
of fly larvae that breed in manure. It has applications in
BAY® 21/199; BAYER® 21/199; BAYMIX®; BAYMIX®
Poison by ingestion,
sktn contact, inhalation, and intraperitoneal
routes. Mutation data reported. When
heated to decomposition, it emits very toxic
fumes of SOx, PO,, and Cl-. See also
m?gliche Exposition
A potential danger to those involved in the manufacture, formulation, and application of this material which is used for control of a wide variety of livestock insects including cattle grubs, lice scabies, flies, and ticks; the common ectoparasites of sheep, goats, horse, swine, and poultry; as well as for screw worms in all these animals.
There was no evidence of carcinogenicity
at any dose in rats fed diets that contained 1, 5, or
25 ppm coumaphos (0.05, 0.25, or 1.22 mg/kg/day (males);
0.07, 0.36, or 1.70 mg/kg/day (females)) for 2 years .
There was no evidence of carcinogenicity in another study
when rats were given diets that contained 10 or 20 ppm
coumaphos for 103 weeks .
By UV irradiation of coumaphos in solutions, three
dimeric products are isolated and identified as the
head-to-tail anti-dimer, its oxidation product, and the
head-to-tail syn-dimer.
Degradation occurs rapidly in the liver
of the cow and rat. The principal metabolite excreted in
urine is diethyl hydrogen phosphorothioate. Deethylation
products are also found in lesser amounts. Photolytic DT
on soil surface is 23.8 d.
UN2783 Organo phosphorus pesticides, solid, toxic, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous material. UN3018 Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials.
Organophosphates are susceptible to formation of highly toxic and flammable phosphine gas in the presence of strong reducing agents such as hydrideds and active metals. Partial oxidation by oxidizing agents may result in the release of toxic phosphorus oxides. Keep away from piperonyl butoxide, oxidizers, strong bases, water, and heat
Waste disposal
Coumaphos can be decomposed by heating with concentrated alkali. Large amounts should be incinerated in a unit equipped with effluent gas scrubbing. Do not discharge into drains or sewers. Dispose of waste material as hazardous waste using a licensed disposal contractor to an approved landfill. Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (>=100 kg/mo) must conform to EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Incineration with effluent gas scrubbing is recommended. In accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be disposed properly by following package label directions or by contacting your local or federal environmental control agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office
Coumaphos (ISO) Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte