Natrium Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Reagiert heftig mit Wasser, Feuer- und Explosionsgefahr. Schnelle Zersetzung unter Einfluss von Luftund Feuchtigkeit, unter Bildung brennbarer/explosionsf?higer Gase (z.B. Wasserstoff, ICSC-Nr. 0001).
TLV nicht festgelegt (ACGIH 2005).
MAK nicht festgelegt (DFG 2006).
Schwerwiegende lokale Wirkungen auf allen Aufnahmewegen.
Gefahrenbereich verlassen! Fachmann zu Rate ziehen! Chemikalienschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabh?ngigem Atemschutzger?t. Verschüttetes Material mit trockenem Pulver abdecken.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R34:Verursacht Ver?tzungen.
R14/15:Reagiert heftig mit Wasser unter Bildung hochentzündlicher Gase.
R45:Kann Krebs erzeugen.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
S8:Beh?lter trocken halten.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn m?glich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S43:Zum L?schen . . . (vom Hersteller anzugeben) verwenden (wenn Wasser die Gefahr erh?ht, anfügen: "Kein Wasser verwenden").
S53:Exposition vermeiden - vor Gebrauch besondere Anweisungen einholen.
Aussehen Eigenschaften
Na; wachsweiches, an frischen Schnittstellen silberweißes Metall, meist mit einer graubraunen Kruste überzogen.
Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt
Natrium reagiert mit Wasser stürmisch unter Bildung von wasserstoff und Natronlauge, wobei es schmilzt und den Wasserstoff u.U. entzündet. Es reagiert äußerst heftig bis explosionsartig mit Halogenen, Halogeniden des Zinns, Silbers Schwefels, Phosphors und Siliciums, ferner mit Halogenwasserstoffen,Schwermetalloxiden, Säuren, Säurechloriden, Aktivkohle und Graphit, Ammoniumnitrat, Nitroverbindungen, Schwefelkohlenstoff und allen Peroxiden, Chloraten und Perchloraten. Die Oxide und Hydroxide, sowie Salze der meisten Schwermetalle werden beim Erhitzen mit Natrium, teilweise explosionsartig, zuden Metallen reduziert.
Petroleum sollte, wegen möglicher reaktiver Verunreinigungen, als Inertflüssigkeit vermieden werden.
Hautkontakt mit Natriummetall führt zu Verbrennungen bzw. extrem tiefgreifenden Verätzungen durch Natronlauge. Letztere sind eine in die Tiefe fortschreitene Quellung und Auflösung betroffener Gewebe (daher gefährlicher als Säureverätzungen). Am Auge durch Laugenspritzer oder Natriumpartikel schwereReizerscheinungen oder Verätzungen an der Bindehaut sowie Trübung und Geschwürbildung an der Hornhaut.
Durch Verschlucken entstehen schwerste Verätzungen der Speiseröhre und der Magenschleimhaut.
Wassergefährnder Stoff (WGK 2).
Schutzma?nahmen und Verhaltensregeln
Reines Natrium wird unter Petrolether oder Paraffinöl aufbewahrt.
Trockene Schutzhandschuhe nur als kurzfristigen Schutz verwenden.
Verhalten im Gefahrfall
Metallstücke mit Pinzette aufsammeln. Kleine Krümel mit Propanol oder Wasser aufwischen.
Trockener Sand, Kalksteinpulver, Soda. Auf
keinen Fall wasserhaltige Mittel oder CO
2 zum Löschen verwenden.
Erste Hilfe
Nach Hautkontakt: Metallteile trocken entfernen, dann mit Wasser gründlich abwaschen. Arzt aufsuchen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Mit Wasser mind. 10 Min. bei geöffnetem Augenlid spülen. Augenarzt aufsuchen.
Nach Verschlucken: Erbrechen vermeiden. Viel Wasser oder sauren Wein, Zitronensaft, Essigsäurelösung (stark verdünnt!) trinken lassen. Sofort zum Arzt!
Nach Kleidungskontakt: Verunreinigte Kleidung sofort ausziehen.
Ersthelfer: siehe gesonderten Anschlag
Sachgerechte Entsorgung
Kleine Reste vorsichtig in Propanol oder Ethanol geben, danach mit Wasser versetzen und neutralisieren. Das Gemisch wird im Sammelbehälter für neutrale wässrige Lösungen entsorgt. Größere Mengen als Sondermüll entsorgen.
In its ionic form, sodium is one of the most important biological
nutrients and is found nearly everywhere on Earth.
Although it was isolated as a free metal in 1807 by Sir
Humphry Davy and makes up 2.83% of Earth’s lithosphere, it
is not found in its metallic form in nature. Pure sodium is
extremely reactive, particularly with water to form explosive
hydrogen gas and lye (NaOH); it can also react with water
vapor in air or biological tissues.
Mined and refined salts from terrestrial and aquatic sources
contain sodium in the form of sodium chloride, sodium
iodide, and other compounds. Natron, a naturally occurring
mixture of sodium compounds, has been used since the time of
the ancient Egyptians, and sodium compounds are essential to
numerous industries, including those involving glass, paper,
and soap production. Since it does not occur in its metallic
form in nature, pure sodium metal must be produced industrially,
which is accomplished via electrolysis of molten sodium
Chemische Eigenschaften
Sodium is a soft silvery white metallic element. Pyrophoric solid or molten liquid. Odorless, oxidizing rapidly in air; waxlike at room temperature, brittle at low temperatures. Store in airtight containers or in naphtha or similar liquid that does not contain water or free oxygen. Decomposes water on contact, with evolution of hydrogen to form sodium hydroxide; insoluble in benzene, kerosene, and naphtha. Has excellent elec- trical conductivity and high heat-absorbing capacity.
Physikalische Eigenschaften
Sodium is a soft, wax-like silver metal that oxidizes in air. Its density is 0.9674 g/cm
3, andtherefore it floats on water as it reacts with the water releasing hydrogen. It has a rather lowmelting point (97.6°C) and a boiling point of 883°C. Sodium is an excellent conductor ofheat and electricity. It looks much like aluminum but is much softer and can be cut with aknife like butter. Its oxidation state is +1.
Sodium has 14 isotopes. The only stable isotope of sodium has an averageatomic weight of 23 (
23Na) and makes up about 100% of all the isotopes of the element sodium found on Earth. All the other 13 isotopes (from
19Na to
31Na) are radioactive with relatively short half-lives and thus are unstable.
Origin of Name
The Latin name for the symbol for “sodium” (Na) is natrium, and the
name “sodium” in Latin is sodanum, which was known as an ancient headache remedy
and was called “soda” in English.
Sodium is the sixth most abundant of the Earth’s elements. Since it is a highly electropositive metal and so reactive with nonmetals, it is not found in its pure elemental form on Earth.Rather, it is found in numerous compounds in relatively abundant quantities. About 2.83%of the Earth’s crust consists of sodium in compounds.Sodium is produced by an electrolytic process, similar to the other alkali earth metals. (Seefigure 4.1). The difference is the electrolyte, which is molten sodium chloride (NaCl, common table salt). A high temperature is required to melt the salt, allowing the sodium cationsto collect at the cathode as liquid metallic sodium, while the chlorine anions are liberated aschlorine gas at the anode: 2NaCl (salt) + electrolysis → Cl
2↑ (gas) + 2Na (sodium metal). Thecommercial electrolytic process is referred to as a Downs cell, and at temperatures over 800°C,the liquid sodium metal is drained off as it is produced at the cathode. After chlorine, sodiumis the most abundant element found in solution in seawater.
On the periodic table sodium is located between lithium and potassium. A fresh cut intosodium looks silvery but turns gray as sodium oxidizes rapidly in air, forming sodium oxideon its surface.Sodium is extremely reactive. It reacts explosively in water as it releases hydrogen fromthe water with enough heat to ignite the hydrogen. The resulting compound of this reactionis sodium hydroxide (2Na + 2H
2O → 2NaOH + H
2↑). Due to its extremely electropositivereactivity, there are few uses for the pure metallic form of sodium. Because of its reactivity,hundreds of sodium compounds are found on the Earth’s surface.Guide to the Elements | 51An unusual characteristic of several alkali metals is that a mixture of two or more has alower melting point than the melting point of the separate metals. This is referred to as aeutectic system of metallic alloys. For instance, sodium has a melting point of 97.6°C, andpotassium’s melting point is 63.25°C, but when the two are mixed, the eutectic melting point(turning into a liquid phase) of the combined Na-K system is below zero degrees Celsius(–10°C). If cesium metal (melting point of 38.89°C) is added to the Na and K mixture, themelting point of this eutectic alloy (Na-K-Cs) is the lowest of any eutectic alloy at –78°C.
manufacture of sodium Compounds, such as the cyanide, azide, peroxide, etc.; manufacture of tetraethyllead; manufacture of refractory metals; in org syntheses; for photoelectric cells; in sodium lamps; as catalyst for many polymerization reactions. Alloyed with potassium in heat transfer media.
sodium: Symbol Na. A soft silveryreactive element belonging to group1 (formerly IA) of the periodic table(see alkali metals); a.n. 11; r.a.m.22.9898; r.d. 0.97; m.p. 97.8°C; b.p.882–889°C. Sodium occurs as thechloride in sea water and in the mineralhalite. It is extracted by electrolysisin a Downs cell. The metal isused as a reducing agent in certainreactions and liquid sodium is also acoolant in nuclear reactors. Chemically,it is highly reactive, oxidizingin air and reacting violently withwater (it is kept under oil). It dissolvesin liquid ammonia to formblue solutions containing solvatedelectrons. Sodium is a major essentialelement required by living organisms.The element was first isolatedby Humphry Davy in 1807.
Vorbereitung Methode
Sodium is an essential element needed for all organic life.
Sodium is produced commercially through the electrolysis of
liquid sodium chloride mixed with calcium chloride in a
Downs Cell. Very pure sodium can be isolated by the thermal
decomposition of sodium azide (NaN3).
Sodium, in its metallic form, can be used to refine some
reactive metals, such as zirconium and potassium, from
their compounds and is very important in making esters.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
Sodium,Na, melts at 97.8°C and boils at 892°C. It is silver-white in color, is soft and malleable, and oxidizes in air. When exposed to air, a silvery soft metal that becomes grayish white upon.
It occurs naturally only in the forms of its salts. Shipped as a solid or molten liquid. Burns violently with explosions that may spatter the material.
Sodium is used as a chemical intermediate. and in pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining and metallurgy, electric power cable, Sodium lamps, other chemicals.
Air & Water Reaktionen
May ignite spontaneously in air. Reacts violently with water to give Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen, which ignites spontaneously [Merck, 11th ed. 1989)]. The ignition temperature of Sodium in air depends on the area of surface exposed: vapor ignites at room temperature; droplets at about 250°F; an agitated pool at 400°F. In the absence of moisture and hydrogen, the reaction is insignificant [Mellor 2 Supp. 2:440 1961].
Sodium as the elemental metal is very dangerous because of its extreme electropositivenature, particularly when it comes in contact with moist air, water, snow, or ice or otheroxidizing agents. It readily gives up electrons to electronegative atoms (nonmetals). In thesereactions, it releases hydrogen gas with enough heat to explosively ignite the hydrogen.
Numerous sodium compounds are hazardous as carcinogens (cancer-causing) and astoxins (poisons) in plants and animals. On the other hand, we benefit greatly from the manycompounds containing the element sodium. We could not live without it.
Health Hazard
Sodium reacts with the moisture on skin and other tissues to form highly corrosive
sodium hydroxide. Contact of metallic sodium with the skin, eyes, or mucous
membranes causes severe burns; thermal burns may also occur due to ignition of the
metal and liberated hydrogen.
Sodium spontaneously ignites when heated above 115 °C in air that has even
modest moisture content, and any sodium vapor generated is even more flammable.
Sodium reacts violently on contact with water and often ignites or explodes the
hydrogen formed. Sodium fires must be extinguished with a class D dry chemical
extinguisher or by the use of sand, ground limestone, dry clay or graphite, or ''Met-
L-X ? " type solids. Water or CO 2 extinguishers must never be used on sodium fires.
Flammability and Explosibility
Sodium spontaneously ignites when heated above 115 °C in air that has even
modest moisture content, and any sodium vapor generated is even more flammable.
Sodium reacts violently on contact with water and often ignites or explodes the
hydrogen formed. Sodium fires must be extinguished with a class D dry chemical
extinguisher or by the use of sand, ground limestone, dry clay or graphite, or "Met-
L-X ?" type solids. Water or CO2 extinguishers must never be used on sodium fires.
m?gliche Exposition
A potential danger to those involved in tetra-alkyl lead manufacture using lead-sodium alloy as a reactant; those using sodium as a liquid metal coolant, as a catalyst, or in the manufacture of sodium hydride, borohydride, or peroxide.
Environmental Fate
Elemental sodium that is released into the environment reacts
almost immediately with water to form sodium hydroxide and
hydrogen gas. Even small quantities of metallic sodium can be
explosive when brought into contact with sources of water; the
formation sodium hydroxide raises the local pH and is
extremely caustic. Sodium cations formed from this reaction
are rapidly absorbed into the surrounding environment to
form a large variety of salts.
Safety glasses,
impermeable gloves, and a fire-retardant laboratory coat should be worn at all times
when working with sodium, and the metal should be handled under the surface of an
inert liquid such as mineral oil, xylene, or toluene. Sodium should be used only in
areas free of ignition sources and should be stored under mineral oil in tightly
sealed metal containers under an inert gas such as argon.
UN1428 Sodium, Hazard Class: 4.3; Labels: 4.3-Dangerous when wet material. Note: Finely divided sodium is pyrophoric.
l?uterung methode
The metal is placed on a coarse grade of sintered-glass filter, melted under vacuum and forced through the filter using argon. The Pyrex apparatus is then re-evacuated and sealed off below the filter, so that the sodium could be distilled at 460o through a side arm and condenser into a receiver bulb which is then sealed off [Gunn & Green J Am Chem Soc 80 4782 1958]. EXPLODES and IGNITES in water.
A strong reducing agent. A dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat and moisture. Violent reaction with water, forming NaOH. Violent reaction with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. halogenated hydrocarbons; phosphorus and phosphorus compounds; sulfur and sulfur compounds; and many other chemicals.
Waste disposal
Incineration with absorption of oxide fumes.
Natrium Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte
Ethyl alpha-Formyl Benzeneacetic Acid Ester
4-Methylbenzene-1-carboximidamide hydrochloride
2-Amino-6-hydroxypyrimidin-4(3H)-one ,97%
Tiotropium bromide
4-Chlorobenzene-1-carboximidamide hydrochloride
4-Methyl-2-thiophenecarboxylic acid