Clinical Pharmacology of Brigatinib: A Next-Generation Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Inhibitor.
Brigatinib, a next-generation anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor designed to overcome mechanisms of resistance associated with crizotinib, is approved for the treatment of ALK-positive advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. After oral administration of single doses of brigatinib 30-240 mg, the median time to reach maximum plasma concentration ranged from 1 to 4 h. In patients with advanced malignancies, brigatinib showed dose linearity over the dose range of 60-240 mg once daily. A high-fat meal had no clinically meaningful effect on systemic exposures of brigatinib (area under the plasma concentration-time curve); thus, brigatinib can be administered with or without food. In a population pharmacokinetic analysis, a three-compartment pharmacokinetic model with transit absorption compartments was found to adequately describe brigatinib pharmacokinetics. In addition, the population pharmacokinetic analyses showed that no dose adjustment is required based on body weight, age, race, sex, total bilirubin (