C8H9NO (Mass of molecular ion: 145)
Source Temperature: 250 °C
Sample Temperature: 270 °C
Reservoir, 70 eV
comment: There are impurity peaks at m/z 232 and others.
17.0 1.5
18.0 4.3
27.0 1.4
28.0 6.0
30.0 100.0
31.0 1.4
35.0 3.2
36.0 20.5
37.0 1.6
38.0 7.9
39.0 2.7
44.0 2.4
50.0 9.6
51.0 25.4
52.0 2.9
62.0 1.2
63.0 2.2
74.0 4.0
75.0 2.7
76.0 4.2
77.0 74.5
78.0 11.5
79.0 2.5
89.0 2.2
90.0 3.5
91.0 2.2
102.0 4.3
103.0 1.5
104.0 1.0
105.0 80.9
106.0 8.6
117.0 2.9
133.0 1.3
135.0 7.8
136.0 1.0
145.0 5.6
146.0 1.8
232.0 6.7
233.0 1.3
249.0 2.7