
北京索萊寶科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名稱: 北京索萊寶科技有限公司
電話: 010-50973130
網(wǎng)址: http://www.solarbio.com


Teasel root 續(xù)斷對(duì)照藥材
Radix scrophulariae 玄參對(duì)照藥材
Inula flower 旋復(fù)花對(duì)照藥材
Bear bile powder 熊膽粉對(duì)照藥材
Brucea urtica 鴉膽子對(duì)照藥材
A little red reference medicine 一點(diǎn)紅對(duì)照藥材
Motherwort 益母草對(duì)照藥材
Yinzhi reference medicine 茵芋對(duì)照藥材
Epimedium brevicornu Maxim 淫羊藿對(duì)照藥材
ginkgofolium 銀杏葉對(duì)照藥材
Phyllanfhus Fruit 余甘子對(duì)照藥材
Corn must be compared with herbs 玉米須對(duì)照藥材
Curcuma aromatica 郁金對(duì)照藥材
Sinkiang Fritillary Bulb 伊貝母對(duì)照藥材
Spina gleditsiae 皂角刺對(duì)照藥材
Loosestrife 珍珠菜對(duì)照藥材
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 知母對(duì)照藥材
Cape jasmine 梔子對(duì)照藥材
Immature Bitter Orange 枳實(shí)對(duì)照藥材
Swine fever 豬苓對(duì)照藥材
Panax japonicus reference medicinal materials 竹節(jié)參對(duì)照藥材
Zhuru reference medicine 竹茹對(duì)照藥材
Lithospermum officinale (Inner Mongolia Lithospermum officinale) 紫草(內(nèi)蒙紫草)對(duì)照藥材
Xinjiang comfrey reference medicine 新疆紫草對(duì)照藥材
Paniculate Swallowwort 徐長(zhǎng)卿對(duì)照藥材
Herba violae 紫花地丁對(duì)照藥材
Purple jasmine root reference medicine 紫茉莉根對(duì)照藥材
Amethyst reference material 紫石英對(duì)照藥材
Folium Perillae 紫蘇葉對(duì)照藥材
Perilla Fruit 紫蘇子對(duì)照藥材
Aster reference medicine 紫苑對(duì)照藥材
Caulisperillae 紫蘇梗對(duì)照藥材
Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae 粉萆薢對(duì)照藥材
Rhizoma Dioscorea 綿萆薢對(duì)照藥材
Allium macrostemon 薤白對(duì)照藥材
Semen coicis 薏苡仁對(duì)照藥材
Herba Visci 槲寄生對(duì)照藥材
Gourd reference medicine 藜蘆對(duì)照藥材
SEMEN DESCURAINIAE 葶藶子(播娘蒿)對(duì)照藥材
Heather spatholobi 石南藤對(duì)照藥材
Pearl Sperantophylla 珍珠透骨草對(duì)照藥材
Artificial bezoar reference medicine 人工牛黃對(duì)照藥材
Ghost arrow feather 鬼箭羽對(duì)照藥材
Iphigenia indica Kunth 山慈菇對(duì)照藥材
Zelan reference medicine 澤蘭對(duì)照藥材
Radix Codonopsis Polysaccharide 黨參多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Black fungus polysaccharide standard 黑木耳多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
PACHYMARAN 茯苓多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Dandelion polysaccharide (for identification) Standard 蒲公英多糖(鑒別用) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Rhizoma Drynaria 骨碎補(bǔ)對(duì)照藥材
Green scorpion 青葙子對(duì)照藥材
Adsuki bean 赤小豆對(duì)照藥材
Cat's Grass Control Herbs 貓抓草對(duì)照藥材
Changshan reference medicine 常山對(duì)照藥材
Pomegranate polyphenols identification standard 石榴多酚鑒別用 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
HawthornFruit extract HawthornFruitextract;山楂黃酮(鑒別用) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Ginkgo medicinal herbs 白果對(duì)照藥材
Poria reference medicinal materials 茯神對(duì)照藥材
Shiwei reference medicine 石韋對(duì)照藥材
Vinegar Cyperus rotundus reference material 醋香附對(duì)照藥材
Mustard (white mustard) reference medicinal materials 芥子(白芥)對(duì)照藥材
astragalus flavone 黃芪黃酮 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
PANAX NOTOGINSENOSIDES 三七總皂苷 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Ginkgolic acids 銀杏酚酸 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Tea saponin (for identification) comes from tea seeds 茶皂素(鑒別用)來(lái)源于油茶籽
Light bamboo leaf reference medicine 淡竹葉對(duì)照藥材
Amomum villosum 砂仁對(duì)照藥材
Ophiopogonis japonicus polysaccharide 麥冬多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Fucoidan standard 巖藻多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Allicin Allicin;大蒜素 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品(鑒別用) 539-86-6
Polyporusus Bellatus PolyporususBellatus;豬苓多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Tremella polysaccharide (for identification) Standard 銀耳多糖(鑒別用) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Fried Atractylodes lancea with bran (Atractylodes macrocephala) 麩炒蒼術(shù)(北蒼術(shù))對(duì)照藥材
Apple polyphenols identification standard 蘋果多酚鑒別用 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Corruption Herbs 延胡素對(duì)照藥材
Mango kernel reference medicinal material 芒果核對(duì)照藥材
Datouchen comparative medicinal materials 大頭陳對(duì)照藥材
Golden Silk Grass Reference Herbs 金絲草對(duì)照藥材
Camptotheca acuminata reference medicinal material 喜樹果對(duì)照藥材
Abrus mollis 金不換對(duì)照藥材
Chinese Yam polysaccharide 山藥多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Portulaca oleracea 馬齒莧對(duì)照藥材
Ligusticum 藁本對(duì)照藥材
Flying grass 飛揚(yáng)草對(duì)照藥材
Flying scorpion 飛天蠄蟧對(duì)照藥材
Herbaceous herbs 追風(fēng)草對(duì)照藥材
Bead ginseng reference medicine 珠子參對(duì)照藥材
Paris polyphylla 重樓對(duì)照藥材
Zhongcao grass reference medicine 仲扁草對(duì)照藥材
Oriental 澤瀉對(duì)照藥材
Polygalaceae 遠(yuǎn)志對(duì)照藥材
Spend gall 茵陳對(duì)照藥材
Chrysanthemum indicum 野菊花對(duì)照藥材
Corydalis tuber 延胡索對(duì)照藥材
Blood charcoal reference medicine 血余炭對(duì)照藥材
Seabuckthorn flavonoids (for identification) Standard 沙棘黃酮(鑒別用) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
Cordyceps polysaccharide Cordycepspolysaccharide;蟲草多糖 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
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