ChemicalBook >?? ???? >(1aR,13S,13aS)-13-Ethyl-1a,4,5,10,11,12,13,13a-octahydro-2H-3,13-methanooxireno[9,10]azacycloundecino[5,4-b]indole
(1aR,13S,13aS)-13-Ethyl-1a,4,5,10,11,12,13,13a-octahydro-2H-3,13-methanooxireno[9,10]azacycloundecino[5,4-b]indole ??
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- 164-6°C
(1aR,13S,13aS)-13-Ethyl-1a,4,5,10,11,12,13,13a-octahydro-2H-3,13-methanooxireno[9,10]azacycloundecino[5,4-b]indole C??? ??, ??, ??
The alkaloidal extract from the dried leaves of Voacanga africana, after chromatographic separation, yield this indole alkaloid which is purified by recrystallization from MeOH when it forms colourless needles. It has [α]578 + 28° (CHCI3) and gives an ultraviolet spectrum in EtOH with absorption maxima at 230, 285 and 290 mμ.?? ??
Kunesch, Das, Poisson., Bull. Soc., Chim. Fr., 2155 (1967)(1aR,13S,13aS)-13-Ethyl-1a,4,5,10,11,12,13,13a-octahydro-2H-3,13-methanooxireno[9,10]azacycloundecino[5,4-b]indole ?? ?? ? ???
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(1aR,13S,13aS)-13-Ethyl-1a,4,5,10,11,12,13,13a-octahydro-2H-3,13-methanooxireno[9,10]azacycloundecino[5,4-b]indole ?? ??
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