トリス(ヒドロキシメチル)アミノメタン 化學(xué)特性,用途語,生産方法
トリス(ヒドロキシメチル)アミノメタン,C4H11NO2(121.14).H2NC(CH2OH)3.略稱トリス(tris).ニトロメタンとホルムアルデヒドから容易に合成される.帯黃白色の結(jié)晶性粉末.無臭.融點170~172 ℃,沸點219~220 ℃(1.3 kPa).吸濕性がなく室溫で安定である.水に易溶,アルコール類に可溶,ほかの有機溶媒に難溶.pH 10.0~10.8(0.1 mol L-1 水).pH 7.0~9.0で強い緩衝作用を示し,酵素反応阻害がなく長期保存ができるので,生化學(xué)分野で広く用いられている.トリス緩衝液,界面活性剤,合成中間體,乳化剤などに用いられる.
アルカリ化薬, アシドーシス治療薬
White, crystalline solid. PH (0.1M aqueous solution)
10.6, corrosive to copper, brass, aluminum.
Solubility in water 80 g/100 cc (20C). Combustible.
Tris base has been used:
- In the preparation of TAE buffer for TAE agarose gel used to run PCR products by gel electrophoresis
- As a component of sample buffer for SDS-PAGE
- In the preparation of IEC (ion-exchange chromatography) buffer
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane is prepared industrially by the exhaustive condensation of nitromethane with formaldehyde under basic conditions (i.e. repeated Henry reactions) to produce the intermediate (HOCH2)3CNO2, which is subsequently hydrogenated to give the final product.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane is mainly required for preparation of buffers at physiological range of 7.3 to 7.5. The prepared buffers are compatible with biological fluids. It is of importance to laboratories as a standard pH solution.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane has been used as a buffer solution for lactate dehydrogenase assay, in situ hybridization procedure and protein extraction from cells.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane is used as a buffer in biochemistry and molecular biology laboratories. It is used as a primary standard to standardize acid solutions for chemical analysis. It finds application in cell membranes to increase permeability. As an alternative to sodium bicarbonate, it used in the treatment of metabolic acidosis. It acts as a precursor for the preparation of polymers, oxazolones and oxazolidines.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane is an established basimetric standard and buffer used in biochemistry and molecular biology. It may be used by itself as a buffer or as a component of mixed buffer formulations, such as Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer, Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) buffer, Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer, etc. It is pure, essentially stable, relatively non-hygroscopic and has a high equivalent weight.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane can ordinarily be obtained in highly pure form suitable for use as an acidimetric standard. If only impure material is available, it should be crystallised from 20% EtOH, aqueous MeOH (m 171.1o) or isopropanol (m 172-173o). Dry it in a vacuum desiccator over P2O5 or CaCl2. Alternatively, it is dissolved in twice its weight of water at 55-60o, filtered, concentrated to half its volume and poured slowly, with stirring, into about twice its volume of EtOH. The crystals which separate on cooling to 3-4o are filtered off, washed with a little MeOH, air dried by suction, then finally ground and dried in a vacuum desiccator over P2O5. It has also been recrystallised from water, MeOH or aqueous MeOH, and vacuum dried at 80o for 2 days. [Beilstein 4 H 303, 4 III 857, 4 IV 1903.]
トリス(ヒドロキシメチル)アミノメタン 上流と下流の製品情報