四硝酸ペンタエリスリトール 化學(xué)特性,用途語,生産方法
四硝酸ペンタエリスリトール,無色の非吸濕性斜方晶系結(jié)晶.融點(diǎn)141.3 ℃,沸點(diǎn)200±10 ℃.密度1.77 g cm-3.発火點(diǎn)225 ℃(5 s).爆発熱6070 kJ kg-1.アセトン,酢酸メチルに可溶,エーテル,エタノール,ベンゼンに難溶,水に不溶.
四硝酸ペンタエリスリトール,略稱PETN.ペントリットともいう.ペンタエリトリトールを5倍量の濃硝酸に加え,15 ℃ 以下で反応させると得られる.
white crystalline powder
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) is a high explosive, often used as the booster in artillery ammunition. It is frequently used as a detonation fuse, which is a form of primacord in which PETN powder is wrapped in waterproof fabric.
ChEBI: A pentaerythritol nitrate in which all four hydroxy groups of pentaerythritol have been converted to the corresponding nitrate ester. It is a vasodilator with properties similar to those of glyceryl trinitrate, but with a more prolonged duration of action,
and is used for treatment of angina pectoris. It is also one of the most powerful high explosives known and is a component of the plastic explosive known as Semtex.
Pure PENTAERYTHRITE TETRANITRATE is an explosive. Severe explosion hazard when shocked or exposed to heat. Explodes when heated to 205-215°C. Highly dangerous when mixed with oxidizing agents. On decomposition Pentaerythritol tetranitrate emits highly toxic fumes of NOx (Sax and Lewis, 1987 pp. 699-700).
Some are toxic and may be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin. Contact may cause burns to skin and eyes. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution.
PETN is a high explosive, as powerful as cyclonite. It is more sensitive than TNT to shock. It explodes on percussion or heating. The detonating temperature is 210°C (410°F). The detonation velocity is 7.9 km/s.
Human systemic effects by ingestion: dermatitis. Effects are sirmlar to those of nitroglycerin, i.e., headache, weakness, and fall in blood pressure. Very low oral toxicity. Severe explosion hazard when shocked or exposed to heat. It explodes at 215’C. On decomposition it emits hghly toxic fumes of NO,; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials. Used in detonators and explosive specialities. See also NITRATES and EXPLOSIVES, HIGH.
First introduced following WWII,
PETN shares the same chemical family as nitroglycerine.
It is 70% more powerful than TNT. Used in the manufacture
of fuses for detonation and explosive specialties, including
the plastic explosive, Semtex, and in blasting caps. PETN
is also used as a medical vasodilator to lower blood pressure
by widening blood vessels to improve blood flow. PRTN
has been used in terrorism attempts in 2001 by the so-called
“shoe bomber,” in 2009 by the “underwear bomber,” and
most recently in October 2010, hidden in printer cartridges
being shipped internationally by passenger jet.
UN3344 Pentaerythrite tetranitrate mixture,
desensitized, solid, n.o.s. with >10% but not >20%
PETN, by mass, Hazard Class: 4.1; Labels: 4.1-Flammable
solid. UN0150 Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, wetted or
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, wetted, or PETN, wetted or
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
or PETN, desensitized, Hazard Class: 1D; Labels:1DExplosive
(with a mass explosion hazard); D-Substances
or articles which may mass detonate (with blast and/or
fragment hazard) when exposed to fire.
Crystallise pentaerythritol tetranitrate from acetone or acetone/EtOH. When crystallised from H2O at 0o, it may have m 26-28o (hydrate). It detonates more easily than TNT on percussion. The O-acetate, when crystallised from EtOH, has m 87-88o. Although it has been distilled at 60o/2mm, distillation should NOT be attempted as it is VERY EXPLOSIVE. Itis a vasodilator. [Marans et al. J Am Chem Soc 76 1304 1954, Camp et al. J Am Chem Soc 77 751 1955, Beilstein 1 IV 2816, 2 IV 264.]
Treat PETN as an unstable explosive.
Rapid heating can cause detonation when heated to 210C.
PETN is a dangerous high explosive and a strong oxidizer.
PETN normally requires a blasting cap or other kind of
detonator but may decompose explosively from concussion,
shock, friction, static charges. Keep away from combustible
materials; other oxidizers, for example, nitrates and
permanganates. Contact with sulfur trioxide may cause
detonation. Contact with reducing agents, e.g., zinc and
alkaline metals may cause explosion. May explode in
the presence of strong bases (i.e., sodium or potassium
hydroxide). May react with heavy metals.
Seek expert help with this
explosive material. Consult with environmental regulatory
agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices.
governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste
四硝酸ペンタエリスリトール 上流と下流の製品情報(bào)