ノルフロキサシン 化學特性,用途語,生産方法
白色?わずかにうすい黃色, 結(jié)晶性粉末?粉末
ノルフロキサシン,キノロン系抗菌薬."白または薄黃色の結(jié)晶性粉末.融點220~221 ℃.UV(0.1 mol L-1 水酸化ナトリウム)λmax 274,325,336 nm(ε 35400,13900,13560).pH 5以下または pH 10以上では水に易溶.最初のキノロン系抗菌剤であるナリジクス酸の類縁體として,シプロフロキサシンなどとともに開発された.細菌のトポイソメラーゼⅡであるDNAジャイレースを特異的に阻害する.抗菌スペクトルが広く,抗菌力が強い.ほかの抗生物質(zhì)と耐性を示さない.臨床でよく使われる経口剤である.LD50 4 g/kg(マウス,経口).
抗菌薬, 核酸合成阻害薬
ノフロ (日醫(yī)工); ノルフロキサシン (わかもと製薬); ノルフロキサシン (エルメッド); ノルフロキサシン (日醫(yī)工ファーマ); ノルフロキサシン (日新製薬-山形); ノルフロキサシン (沢井製薬); ノルフロキサシン (陽進堂); ノルフロキサシン (鶴原製薬); バクシダール (杏林製薬); バクシダール (杏林製薬); バクシダール (杏林製薬); バスティーン (全星薬品工業(yè)); ビスコレット (富士薬品); マリオットン (鶴原製薬); ミタトニン (キョーリンリメディオ)
Norfloxacin is the first of the third generation nalidixic acid analogs to reach the
marketplace. It exhibits potent in vitro and in vivo activity against Pseudomonas,
enteric gram-negative rods and gram-positive cocci. Norfloxacin is orally
effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections, including those due to
organisms refractory to many other agents.
Off-white to light yellow cryst powder
It finds it application as a fluorinated quinolone antibacterial. It is clinically used to treat urinary tract infections and prostatitis. In neutrophils from cirrhotic subjects, norfloxacin increases expression of IL-10 and heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) and decreases expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, when complexed with gold(III), norfloxacin binds DNA and inhibits cellular proliferation in several cancer cell lines.
ChEBI: A quinolinemonocarboxylic acid with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Norfloxacin is bactericidal and its mode of action depends on blocking of bacterial DNA replication by binding itself to an enz
me called DNA gyrase.
It is active against a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, including Enterobacteriaceae and Campylobacter spp. Ps. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter, Serratia and Providencia spp. are weakly susceptible (and often resistant). It has no useful activity against anaerobes, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Mycobacterium spp.
A 6-fluoro, 7-piperazinyl quinoline available for oral administration and as an ophthalmic ointment.
Oral absorption: 50–70%
max 400 mg oral :1.5 mg/L after 1–1.5 h
Plasma half-life :3–4 h
Volume of distribution: 2.5–3.1 L/kg
Plasma protein binding: 15%
absorption and distribution Norfloxacin displays linear kinetics. There is no significant accumulation with the recommended dosage of 400 mg every 12 h. Food slightly delays but does not otherwise impair absorption. Antacids reduce absorption. It is widely distributed, but concentrations in tissues other than those of the urinary tract are low: levels in the prostate are around 2.5 mg/g.
Metabolism and excretion Six or more inactive metabolites are produced. Around 30% of a dose appears as unchanged drug in the urine and <10% as metabolites, producing peak concentrations of microbiologically active drug of around 100–400 mg/L. Urinary recovery is halved by probenecid, with little effect on the plasma concentration. The apparent plasma elimination half-life increases with renal impairment, rising to around 8 h in the anuric patient. Some of the drug appears in the bile where concentrations three- to seven-fold greater than the simultaneous plasma levels are achieved, but this is not a significant route of elimination and hepatic impairment is without effect. Very variable quantities, averaging 30% of a dose, appear in the feces, producing concentrations of active agent of around 200–2000 mg/kg.
Complicated and uncomplicated urinary tract infections (including prophylaxis in recurrent infections), prostatitis
Uncomplicated gonorrhea
Gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter spp., Vibrio cholerae
Conjunctivitis (ophthalmic preparation)
Untoward reactions are those common to the fluoroquinolones. Gastrointestinal tract disturbances, which are generally mild, have been reported in 2–4% of patients. CNS disturbances have largely been limited to headache, drowsiness and dizziness. Co-administration with theophylline results in increased plasma theophylline levels.
Poison by intravenous route.Moderately toxic by other routes. Human systemic effectsby ingestion: musculoskeletal changes. An experimentalteratogen. Other experimental reproductive effects.Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition itemits
ノルフロキサシン 上流と下流の製品情報