Demeton-S-methyl (ISO) Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Zersetzung beim Erhitzen und Verbrennen unter Bildung giftiger Rauche mit Phosphoroxiden und Schwefeloxiden.
TLV: 0.05 mg/m?(als TWA); Hautresorption; Sensibilisierung; Krebskategorie A4 (nicht klassifizierbar als krebserzeugend für den Menschen); BEI vorhanden; (ACGIH 2005).
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation des Aerosols, über die Haut und durch Verschlucken.
Beim Verdampfen bei 20°C tritt eine gesundheitssch?dliche Kontamination der Luft nicht oder nur sehr langsam ein, viel schneller jedoch beim Versprühen oder Dispergieren.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: M?glich sind Auswirkungen auf das Nervensystem mit nachfolgenden Kr?mpfen, Atemversagen und Tod. Cholinesterasehemmer. Die Auswirkungen treten u.U. verz?gert ein. ?rztliche Beobachtung notwendig.
Cholinesterasehemmer. Kumulative Wirkung m?glich (s. AKUTE GEFAHREN/SYMPTOME).
Ausgelaufene Flüssigkeit m?glichst in abdichtbaren Beh?ltern sammeln. Reste mit Sand oder inertem Absorptionsmittel aufnehmen und an einen sicheren Ort bringen. NICHT in die Kanalisation spülen. NICHT in die Umwelt gelangen lassen. Pers?nliche Schutzausrüstung: Chemikalienschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabh?ngigem Atemschutzger?t.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R24/25:Giftig bei Berührung mit der Haut und beim Verschlucken.
R51/53:Giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gew?ssern l?ngerfristig sch?dliche Wirkungen haben.
R36:Reizt die Augen.
R20/21/22:Gesundheitssch?dlich beim Einatmen,Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S28:Bei Berührung mit der Haut sofort abwaschen mit viel . . . (vom Hersteller anzugeben).
S36/37:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzkleidung tragen.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn m?glich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S61:Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen/Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen.
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
Demeton-S-methyl is pale yellow in colour and oily and has a sulphur-like odour. It is
sparingly soluble in water but very rapidly soluble in common polar organic solvents such
as dichloromethane, 2-propanol, toluene, and n-hexane. It is a highly toxic, systemic, and
contact insecticide and acaricide and classified as Category I. It is used for the control of
insects, aphids, sawflies, and spider mites on cereals, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental
plants. On heating, demeton-S-methyl undergoes decomposition and emits very toxic
fumes, phosphorus oxides, and sulphur oxides.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Demeton-S-methyl is pale yellow in color, oily and has a sulfur-like odor. It is sparingly
soluble in water, but is very rapidly soluble in common polar organic solvents, such as
dichloromethane, 2-propanol, toluene, and n-hexane. It is a highly toxic, systemic, and
contact insecticide and acaricide and is classifi ed as Category I. It is used for the control
of insects, aphids, saw-fl ies, and spider mites on cereals, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental
plants. On heating, demeton-s-methyl undergoes decomposition and emits very toxic
fumes, phosphorus oxides, and sulfur oxides.
Demeton-S-methyl is a systemic insecticide used to control
sucking insects and mites in a wide range of crops and ornamentals.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
Pale yellow oil. Used as an insecticide. Not registered as a pesticide in the U.S.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
Organophosphates, such as DEMETON-S-METHYL, are susceptible to formation of highly toxic and flammable phosphine gas in the presence of strong reducing agents such as hydrides. Partial oxidation by oxidizing agents may result in the release of toxic phosphorus oxides.
Health Hazard
DEMETON-S-METHYL inhibits the nervous system and is absorbed readily through the skin. DEMETON-S-METHYL is a liquid organophosphorus insecticide. Poisonous; may be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin. Contact may cause burns to skin and eyes.
When heated to decomposition, DEMETON-S-METHYL emits very toxic fumes of oxides of phosphorus and sulfur. DEMETON-S-METHYL is a liquid organophosphorus insecticide. DEMETON-S-METHYL may burn but does not ignite readily. Container may explode in heat of fire. Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. Runoff from fire control water may give off poisonous gases. Hydrolyzed by alkali.
Poison by ingestion,
inhalation, sh contact, intraperitoneal, and
intravenous routes. Mutation data reported.
An insecticide. When heated to
decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of
POx and SOx. See also DEMETON-0 +
DEMETON-S and other demeton entries.
m?gliche Exposition
An organophosphate insecticide.
Those engaged in the manufacture, formulation and appli-
cation of the insecticide and acaricide on agricultural and
horticultural crops.
The initial step for the biotransformation and photolytic activation of
demeton-S-methyl is by thiooxidation to oxydemeton-methyl; consequently
the metabolism of the two insecticides is very similar and
metabolic routes determined for oxydemeton-methyl should be taken as
applicable to the behaviour of demeton-S-methyl in the same system.
Most studies on the biotransformations of these compounds have used
Demeton-S-methyl should be kept stored separately and away from food and feedstuffs.
Keep in a well-ventilated room.
UN3278 Organophosphorus compound, liquid,
toxic, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous
materials, Hazard Technical Name Required, Potential
Inhalation Hazard (Special Provision 5). UN3017
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flash point not , 23
C, Hazard class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-
Poisonous materials, 3-Flammable liquid. UN2810 Toxic
liquids, organic, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-
Poisonous materials, Technical Name Required.
ncompatible with oxidizers (chlorates,
nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine,
bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or
explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong
bases, strong acids, oxoacids, and epoxides. Strong oxidi-
zers may cause release of toxic phosphorus oxides.
Organophosphates, in the presence of strong reducing
agents such as hydrides, may form highly toxic and
flammable phosphine gas. Keep away from alkaline
Waste disposal
The thiono-and thiolo-isomers of
this mixture are 50% hydrolyzed in 75 minutes and 0.85 min-
ute, respectively @ 20℃
and pH 13. At pH 9 and 70 ℃
, the
half-life of Demeton is 1.25 hour, but an pH 1-5 it is over
11 hours. Sand and rushed limestone may be added together
with a flammable solvent; the resultant mixture may be burned
in a furnace with afterburner and alkaline scrubber
accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the
disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be dis-
posed properly by following package label directions or by
contacting your local or federal environmental control agency,
or by contacting your regional EPA office.
During handling and use of demeton-S-methyl, occupational workers should use a face
shield or eye protection in combination with breathing protection, protective gloves, and
protective clothing. During use and handling of the chemical substance, workers should
not eat, drink, or smoke during work and wash hands before eating. Workers should
prevent generation of chemical mists and observe strict hygiene.
Demeton-S-methyl (ISO) Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte