MAIDENHAIRFERN Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Cryptogamous perennial fern, commonly grows in shady and
damp places; widespread throughout the fields and hillsides of
southern and central Europe. The plant owes its botanical name,
Adiantum (Gr., unwetted), to the property of its foliage to repel
raindrops. The fronds have black, shiny, hair-thin stripes and bear
numerous wedge-ovate or rhomboid pinnules on the terminal portion and are the only part used. Maidenhair fern has a pleasant,
tonic flavor.
The derivatives are decoctions, infusions, fluid extract, and tincture. The main constituents include tannic acid, gallic acid, and
traces of an essential oil.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Cryptogamous perennial fern, commonly grows in shady and damp places; widespread throughout the fields and hill sides of southern and central Europe. The plant owes its botanical name to the property of its foliage to repel raindrops. The fronds
(only part used) have black, shiny, hair-thin stripes and bear numerous wedge-ovate or rhomboid pinnules on the terminal portion
and are the only parts used. Maidenhair fern has a pleasant, tonic flavor.
The main constituents include tannic acid, gallic acid and traces of an essential oil. The sterol fraction of
A. capillus-veneris contains β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and capesterol identified by means of spectral data.
MAIDENHAIRFERN Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte