KETONES Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
ketones: Organic compounds thatcontain the carbonyl group (>C=O)linked to two hydrocarbon groups.The ketone group is a carbonyl groupwith two single bonds to other carbonatoms.In systematic chemicalnomenclature, ketone names endwith the suffix -one.Examples arepropanone (acetone), CH
3, andbutanone (methyl ethyl ketone),CH
5. Ketones can be made byoxidizing secondary alcohols to convertthe C–OH group to C=O.Certainketones form addition compoundswith sodium hydrogensulphate(IV)(sodium hydrogensulphite). They alsoform addition compounds with hydrogencyanide to give cyanohydrinsand with alcohols to giveketals.They undergo condensationreactions to yield oximes, hydrazones,phenylhydrazones, and semicarbazones.These are reactions thatthey share with aldehydes. Unlikealdehydes, they do not affectFehling’s solution or Tollens reagentand do not easily oxidize.Strong oxidizingagents produce a mixture ofcarboxylic acids; butanone, for example,gives ethanoic and propanoicacids.
KETONES Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte