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Tetrahedron, asymmetry

Tetrahedron, asymmetry
Cessation. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry presents experimental or theoretical research results of outstanding significance and timeliness on asymmetry in organic, inorganic, organometallic and physical chemistry, as well as its application to related disciplines, especially bio-organic chemistry.
The journal publishes critical reviews, original research articles and preliminary communications dealing with all aspects of the chemical, physical and theoretical properties of non-racemic organic and inorganic materials and processes. Topics relevant to the journal include: the physico-chemical and biological properties of enantiomers; strategies and methodologies of asymmetric synthesis; resolution; chirality recognition and enhancement; analytical techniques for assessing enantiomeric purity and the unambiguous determination of absolute configuration; and molecular graphics and modelling methods for interpreting and predicting asymmetric phenomena. Papers describing the synthesis or properties of non-racemic molecules will be required to include a separate statement in the form of a Stereochemistry Abstract, for publication in the same issue, of the criteria used for the assignment of configuration and enantiomeric purity.
C-Arylglucoside synthesis: triisopropylsilane as a selective reagent for the reduction of an anomeric C-phenyl ketal
Published: 17 October 2003
DOI: 10.1016/J.TETASY.2003.08.007
B. Ellsworth,?A. Doyle,?Manorama M. Patel,?Janet Caceres-Cortes,?W. Meng,?P. Deshpande,?A. Pullockaran,?W. Washburn
B. Ellsworth,?A. Doyle,?Manorama M. Patel,?Janet Caceres-Cortes,?W. Meng,?P. Deshpande,?A. Pullockaran,?W. Washburn