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Progress in Organic Coatings

Progress in Organic Coatings
The aim of this international journal is to analyse and publicise the progress and current state of knowledge in the field of organic coatings and related materials. The Editors and the Editorial Board members will solicit both review and research papers from academic and industrial scientists who are actively engaged in research and development or, in the case of review papers, have extensive experience in the subject to be reviewed. Unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted if they meet the journal''s requirements. The journal publishes papers dealing with such subjects as:
? Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials
? Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials
? Performance, testing and analysis.
Biosourced heat resistant coatings by cross-linking of proteins with triethyl phosphate
Published: 1 January 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2019.105403
S Amirou, A Pizzi
S Amirou, A Pizzi