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Main Group Chemistry

Main Group Chemistry
Main Group Chemistry is intended to be a primary resource for all chemistry, engineering, biological, and materials researchers in both academia and in industry with an interest in the elements from the groups 1, 2, 12–18, lanthanides and actinides. The journal is committed to maintaining a high standard for its publications. This will be ensured by a rigorous peer-review process with most articles being reviewed by at least one editorial board member. Additionally, all manuscripts will be proofread and corrected by a dedicated copy editor located at the University of Kentucky.
The reaction of L-cysteine, L-cysteine hydrochloride and glutathione with arsonolipids (2,3-diacyloxypropylarsonic acids) and their arsenoso derivatives
Published: 1 January 2019
DOI: 10.3233/mgc-190794
P. V. Ioannou,?D. Vachliotis
P. V. Ioannou,?D. Vachliotis