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International Journal of Cosmetic Science

International Journal of Cosmetic Science

IF:2.7 CiteScore:4.5999 Articles:73
The Journal publishes original refereed papers, review papers and correspondence in the fields of cosmetic research. It is read by practising cosmetic scientists and dermatologists, as well as specialists in more diverse disciplines that are developing new products which contact the skin, hair, nails or mucous membranes. The aim of the Journal is to present current scientific research, both pure and applied, in: cosmetics, toiletries, perfumery and allied fields. Areas that are of particular interest include: studies in skin physiology and interactions with cosmetic ingredients, innovation in claim substantiation methods (in silico, in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo), human and in vitro safety testing of cosmetic ingredients and products, physical chemistry and technology of emulsion and dispersed systems, theory and application of surfactants, new developments in olfactive research, aerosol technology and selected aspects of analytical chemistry.

Research on antioxidant performance of diglucosyl gallic acid and its application in emulsion cosmetics

Published: 24 February 2022 DOI: 10.1111/ics.12766
Kai-qiang Zhang, Liang-liang Lin, Hu-jun Xu

Penetration of different molecular weight hydrolysed keratins into hair fibres and their effects on the physical properties of textured hair

Published: 18 September 2020 DOI: 10.1111/ics.12663
E. Malinauskyte, R. Shrestha, P. A. Cornwell, S. Gourion-Arsiquaud, M. Hindley