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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

IF:5.4 CiteScore:11.1 Articles:730
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces is an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research on colloid and interfacial phenomena in relation to systems of biological origin, having particular relevance to the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food and cosmetic fields. Submissions that: (1) deal solely with biological phenomena and do not describe the physico-chemical or colloid-chemical background and/or mechanism of the phenomena, and (2) deal solely with colloid/interfacial phenomena and do not have appropriate biological content or relevance, are outside the scope of the journal and will not be considered for publication. The journal publishes regular research papers, reviews, short communications and invited perspective articles, called BioInterface Perspectives. The BioInterface Perspective provide researchers the opportunity to review their own work, as well as provide insight into the work of others that inspired and influenced the author. Regular articles should have a maximum total length of 6,000 words. In addition, a (combined) maximum of 8 normal-sized figures and/or tables is allowed (so for instance 3 tables and 5 figures). For multiple-panel figures each set of two panels equates to one figure. Short communications should not exceed half of the above. It is required to give on the article cover page a short statistical summary of the article listing the total number of words and tables/figures.

Fabrication of strontium carbonate-based composite bioceramics as potential bone regenerative biomaterials

Published: 1 October 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112755
Changgui Huang , Jielin Zhou , Jin Rao , Xinyi Zhao , Xiumei Tian , Fupo He , Haishan Shi

Lanthanum oxide nanoparticle-collagen bio matrix induced endothelial cell activation for sustained angiogenic response for biomaterial integration

Published: 1 August 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112589
Vinu Vijayan , Rachita Lakra , Purna Sai Korrapati , Manikantan Syamala Kiran

Transdermal permeation of tetracaine hydrochloride by lecithin microemulsion: In vivo

Published: 1 March 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2006.01.007
Mohammad Changez , Jagdish Chander , Amit Kumar Dinda