Stainless Steel 不銹鋼絲
Stainless Steel, was discovered a hundred years ago. However commercial production was little advanced until the invention of the (AOD) Argon Oxygen Decarburization process. The low carbon levels needed to produce stainless steel could not be achieved without preferential oxidation of the chromium. The AOD process enabled the reduction of carbon while minimizing the loss of chromium by utilizing a blend of argon and oxygen gas blown into the molten bath of metal.
Ubiquitous in everyday life, stainless steel is found in many different forms – cookware, utensils, cutlery, jewelry, appliances, medical tubing and needles, building, and architectural materials – due to its myriad of desirable properties. The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is made of Type 304 stainless steel. Stainless steel is corrosion resistant, fire and heat resistant, hygienic, aesthetic, easy to fabricate, has a high impact resistance, and is recyclable. It also has a high strength to weight ratio.
Although a kitchen whisk may be the first stainless steel wire use that comes to mind, other uses such as fasteners, wire mesh belts, braided hoses, welding wire, and springs represent much larger commercial applications. California Fine Wire supplies stainless steel wire to all of its major markets for applications ranging from medical probes to aerospace lock wire, electronic components, and specialty springs.
Stainless steels have excellent ductility and can be supplied by California Fine Wire in ribbon and round forms. Round diameters can be drawn as small as 0.0003” and ribbons from as small as 0.001” x 0.005” to as large as 0.010” x 0.050”. Call us to discover our capability to meet your specific wire needs.
Stainless steel wire can be readily plated with such metals as copper, gold, nickel, silver or tin; and insulated with any of the enamel, ceramic, or PTFE insulating materials offered by California Fine Wire. Whether your application requires the strength, stiffness, corrosion resistance, or hygienic properties of stainless steel.
關(guān)鍵字: 美國CFW不銹鋼絲;CFW103;CFW電極絲;CFW鎢絲;進(jìn)口不銹鋼絲;
北京順鑫成科技有限公司代理進(jìn)口日本不銹鋼毛細(xì)管和美國CALIFORNIA FINE WIRE公司生產(chǎn)的金屬線。
外徑 0.05mm—3.0mm
內(nèi)徑 0.02mm—2.9mm
代理美國CALIFORNIA FINE WIRE生產(chǎn)的各種金屬線,加利福尼亞細(xì)線公司生產(chǎn)圓形和扁平形狀的細(xì)線和超細(xì)線。服務(wù)包括搪瓷、PTFE和陶瓷涂層、電鍍、絞合、切割和矯直。加工的合金包括貴金屬、不銹鋼、銅、電阻合金、耐火合金等。