FNG water-resistant silica gel is white or off-white multi-microporous particles, the main component is SiO2·nH2O, Insoluble in water and inorganic acids, soluble in hydrofluoric acid and concentrated caustic soda solutions. High mechanical strength. The product is made of general silica gel as raw material after further processing of heterogeneous shaped silica gel, it has the pore structure and adsorption properties of ordinary homogeneous silica gel at the same time also has good water resistance, that is, it does not burst in water, thus expanding the application field of silica gel.
The product is mainly used for the dry purification of compressed air, air separation industry used as acetylene, carbon dioxide adsorbent; Industrial catalyst carrier; Industrial gas drying, water purification and other aspects.
關鍵字: 耐水硅膠;空分行業(yè);FNG;粗孔硅膠;