ペクチン 化學(xué)特性,用途語,生産方法
白色~うすい褐色, 粉末
ペクチン,ポリ(α1→4)-D-ガラクツロン酸の一部のカルボキシル基が,メチルエステル化している多糖の総稱.高等植物の葉,莖,根,果実などに多く含まれ,これらの細(xì)胞の結(jié)合物質(zhì)として,おもに中層に存在するが,一部は細(xì)胞膜や果汁にもある.かんきつ類の果実の皮(30%),てん菜パルプ(25%)などにとくに多い.メチル化度は,一般に9.5~11% であるが,3.5~50% と多様性がある.また,少量のアセチル基をもつものもある.メチル化度の少ないものはペクチン酸とよばれる.ペクチン質(zhì)を酸の希薄水溶液で加熱抽出し,抽出液を濃縮して有機(jī)溶媒で沈殿させてつくる.帯黃色の無定形粉末,またはシロップ狀で,分子量は6萬~8萬.[α]D約+250°.70 ℃ 以上の熱湯に可溶,有機(jī)溶媒や冷水に不溶.水に溶けると粘性の高いコロイド溶液となる.アルカリと塩をつくり.とくに Ca2+ とは硬いゲルをつくる.ジャム,マーマレード,ゼリーなど加工食品の天然安定増粘剤,微生物用培地,薬用消化調(diào)整剤などに用いられる.
懸濁剤, 保護(hù)剤
Pectin occurs as a coarse or fine, yellowish-white, odorless powder
that has a mucilaginous taste.
Pectin is found in the cell walls of all plants.
In the preparation of jellies and similar food products: Owens et al., "Factors Influencing Gelation with Pectin" in Natural Plant Hydrocolloids, Advances in Chemistry Series (ACS, Washington, 1954) pp 10-15.
Pectin is obtained from the diluted acid extract from the inner
portion of the rind of citrus fruits or from apple pomace.
Pectin is a purified carbohydrate product isolated from the rinds
of citrus fruits or green apples. Its major constituent is polygalacteronic acid, and it
is almost completely digested and absorbed in the intestine. Pectin became
popular as a simple remedy for diarrhoea in the early 1900s. It does not affect the
frequency of stool or stool weight. Use of such products diverts attention away
from more important aspects of treatment, such as rehydration, proper nutrition
and in the case of cholera and dysentery, appropriate antibiotics.
Pectin is a polysaccharide is rich in galacturonic acid and possesses a complex structure and function.
present in multi-ingredient preparations for the management of
diarrhea, constipation, and obesity;it has also been used as an
emulsion stabilizer.
Experimentally, pectin has been used in gel formulations for the
oral sustained delivery of ambroxol.Pectin gel beads have been
shown to be an effective medium for controlling the release of a
drug within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.It has also been used in
a colon-biodegradable pectin matrix with a pH-sensitive polymeric
coating, which retards the onset of drug release, overcoming the problems of pectin solubility in the upper GI tract.Amidated
pectin matrix patches have been investigated for the transdermal
delivery of chloroquine,and gelling pectin formulations for the
oral sustained delivery of paracetamol have been investigated in
situ.Pectin-based matrices with varying degrees of esterification
have been evaluated as oral controlled-release tablets. Lowmethoxy
pectins were shown to have a release rate more sensitive
to the calcium content of the formulation.Pectins have been used
as a component in the preparation of mixed polymer microsphere
systems with the intention of producing controlled drug release.
Pectin is a high molecular weight polyuronide. It is
related to the carbohydrate family and is present in fruits
and berries.
Pectin occurs in varying amounts in fruits and plants.
It contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and on
hydrolysis, yields glycosides and galachronic acid. It
can form a gel when it absorbs water.
Commercially, the primary source of the commonly
used pectin is lemon and lime peel; other citrus fruits l i e
orange and grapefruit may also be used. Pectin is widely
used in the food industry, principally in gel preparation.
Pectin is also used in making drugs, protective
colloids, emulsifying agents, etc.
Low toxicity by subcutaneous route. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.
Pectin is used in oral pharmaceutical formulations and food
products, and is generally regarded as an essentially nontoxic and
nonirritant material.
Low toxicity by the subcutaneous route has been reported.
50 (mouse, SC): 6.4 g/kg
Pectin is a nonreactive and stable material; it should be stored in a
cool, dry place.
Dissolve the pectin in hot water to give a 1% solution, then cool, and make it to about 0.05M in HCl by addition of conc HCl, and precipitate it by pouring it slowly, with vigorous stirring into two volumes of 95% EtOH. After standing for several hours, the pectin is filtered through a nylon cloth, then redispersed in 95% EtOH and stood overnight. The precipitate is filtered off, washed with EtOH/Et2O, then Et2O and dried in air. [Rees & Walsh Angew Chem, Int Edn 16 214 1977, Rees Adv Carbohydr Chem 24 267 1969.]
規(guī)制狀況(Regulatory Status)
GRAS listed. Accepted for use as a food additive in Europe.
Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (dental paste;
oral powders; topical pastes). Included in the Canadian List of
Acceptable Non-medicinal Ingredients. Included in nonparenteral
medicines licensed in the UK.
ペクチン 上流と下流の製品情報(bào)