- 抑制劑
- 化合物庫
- 抗體
- 生物試劑
- 新產(chǎn)品
- 聯(lián)系我們
Stattic 是第一個非肽類STAT3小分子抑制劑,有效抑制STAT3激活和核易位,IC50為5.1 μM,其作用于STAT3的選擇性遠高于STAT1。Stattic 可誘導凋亡。
Stattic Chemical Structure
CAS: 19983-44-9
相關(guān)靶點 | STAT1 STAT3 STAT5 STAT6 | 點擊展開 |
相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 | NSC 74859 (S3I-201) Cryptotanshinone (Tanshinone C) SH-4-54 C188-9 BP-1-102 Napabucasin (BBI608) HO-3867 Nifuroxazide AS1517499 Homoharringtonine (HHT) STAT5-IN-1 Ochromycinone (STA-21) HJC0152 APTSTAT3-9R STAT3-IN-1 SC-1 Narciclasine SH5-07 (SH-5-07) Scutellarin | 點擊展開 |
相關(guān)化合物庫 | 激酶抑制劑庫 FDA藥物庫 天然產(chǎn)物庫 酪氨酸激酶抑制劑分子庫 JAK-STAT信號通路庫 | 點擊展開 |
細胞系 | 實驗類型 | 給藥濃度 | 孵育時間 | 活性描述 | 文獻信息 |
CNE2 | Function Assay | 0-20 μM | 0-4 h | inhibits Stat3 activation in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
CNE1 | Function Assay | 0-20 μM | 0-4 h | inhibits Stat3 activation in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
HONE1 | Function Assay | 20 μM | 48 h | blocks the IL-6 increased phosphorylation of Stat3 | 23382914 |
CNE2 | Function Assay | 20 μM | 48 h | blocks the IL-6 increased phosphorylation of Stat3 | 23382914 |
CNE1 | Function Assay | 20 μM | 48 h | blocks the IL-6 increased phosphorylation of Stat3 | 23382914 |
T24 | Function Assay | 2/10/20 μM | 24 h | causes dose-dependent inhibition of the CXCL12-induced increase of invading cells | 23526079 |
SW837 | Function Assay | 2.5/10 μM | 30 min | sensitizes cells to chemoradiotherapy in a dose-dependent manner | 23934972 |
W480? | Function Assay | 2.5/10 μM | 30 min | sensitizes cells to chemoradiotherapy in a dose-dependent manner | 23934972 |
OV2008 | Apoptosis Assay | 0-10 μM | 24/48 h | induces apoptosis in a dose and time dependent manner | 23962558 |
C13* | Apoptosis Assay | 0-10 μM | 24/48 h | induces apoptosis in a dose and time dependent manner | 23962558 |
HTR8/SVneo | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 48 h | significantly increases migration by OSM? | 24060241 |
HTR8/SVneo | Function Assay | 0.5/1?μM? | 48 h | restores the expression of E-cadherin suppressed by OSM | 24060241 |
HTR8/SVneo | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 1?h | suppressed OSM-induced STAT3 phosphorylation | 24060241 |
HMECs? | Function Assay | 10 μM | 2 h | inhibits IFNα?mediated phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT2 and STAT3 | 24211327 |
MCF7-HER2 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 5 μM | 24 h | enhances cell growth inhibition combined with Herceptin | 24297508 |
MCF7-HER2 | Function Assay | 5 μM | 24 h | decreases the expression levels of EMT markers, vimentin and slug | 24297508 |
MCF7-HER2 | Function Assay | 5 μM | 24 h | diminishes Sox-2, Oct-4, and slug expression | 24297508 |
MCF7-HER2 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0-10 μM | 48 h | induces cell death dose dependently | 24297508 |
SK-BR-3 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | reduces P-STAT3 expression | 24376586 |
SUM-159 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | reduces P-STAT3 expression | 24376586 |
MDA-MB-231 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | reduces P-STAT3 expression | 24376586 |
HaCaT | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM | 20 min | enhances the apoptotic effects of everolimus | 24423131 |
HaCaT | Growth Inhibition Assay | 10 μM | 20 min | enhances everolimus-induced cell growth inhibition | 24423131 |
MCF-7/LCC9 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0.469-3.75 μM | 5 d | reduces cell number significantly | 24728078 |
MCF-7/LCC1 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0.469-3.75 μM | 5 d | reduces cell number significantly | 24728078 |
MCF-7 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0.469-3.75 μM | 5 d | reduces cell number significantly | 24728078 |
CD4+ | Apoptosis Assay | 10?μm | 24 h | induces apoptosis strongly | 24756111 |
HuT-78 | Cell Viability Assay | 1-10 μM | 72 h | causes a dose-dependent inhibition of the viability? | 24756111 |
SeAx? | Cell Viability Assay | 1-10 μM | 72 h | causes a dose-dependent inhibition of the viability? | 24756111 |
SS | Cell Viability Assay | 1-10 μM | 72 h | causes a dose-dependent inhibition of the viability? | 24756111 |
ELL-primed hNSCs | Cell Viability Assay | 0.02-5 μM | 72 h | leads to the loss of cell viability at high concentration | 24945434 |
FHL-primed hNSCs | Cell Viability Assay | 0.02-5 μM | 72 h | leads to the loss of cell viability at high concentration | 24945434 |
HaCaT? | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM | 20 min | increases proportions of apoptotic cells due to treatment with sorafenib or sunitinib | 25013907 |
Caki-1 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 10 μM | 20 min | enhances sorafenib- and sunitinib-induced growth inhibition | 25013907 |
HaCaT? | Growth Inhibition Assay | 10 μM | 20 min | enhances sorafenib- and sunitinib-induced growth inhibition | 25013907 |
H9c2 | Function Assay | 20 μM | 30 min | abolishes propofol-induced AKT phosphorylation at both ser473 and thr308 | 25105067 |
MDA-MB-231 | Function Assay | 20 μM | 2 h | exhibits Snail and E-cadherin expression | 25153349 |
PC3M-1E8 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | inhibits IL-6 induced STAT3 activation and the IL-6-induced STAT3 activation | 25261365 |
PC3M-1E8 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | downregulates Bcl-xL, survivin and c-Myc | 25261365 |
PC3M-1E8 | Function Assay | 2.5/5/10 μM | 0-4 h | inhibits the STAT3 activation in a dose- and time-dependent manner? | 25261365 |
ECA109 | Function Assay | 0.5?μM | 24?h? | enhances IR-induced generation of DSBs | 25492480 |
KYSE150? | Clonogenic Survival Assay | 0.5?μM | 24?h? | suppresses the clonogenic formation | 25492480 |
TE13 | Clonogenic Survival Assay | 0.5?μM | 24?h? | suppresses the clonogenic formation | 25492480 |
ECA109 | Clonogenic Survival Assay | 0.5?μM | 24?h? | suppresses the clonogenic formation | 25492480 |
KYSE150? | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0-20 μM | 24?h? | IC50=12.64?μM | 25492480 |
TE13 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0-20 μM | 24?h? | IC50=6.15?μM | 25492480 |
ECA109 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 0-20 μM | 24?h? | IC50=5.50 μM | 25492480 |
SiHa | Function Assay | 5-75 nM | 24?h? | reduces the?phosphorylation at the tyrosine residue 705? | 25539644 |
SiHa | Cell Viability Assay | 5-75 nM | 24?h? | shows morphology of a typical apoptotic cell and dose-dependent loss of cell viability? | 25539644 |
A431 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 2?μM | 2?h | increases in apoptosis induced by shikonin | 25720435 |
A431 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 2?μM | 2?h | blocks EGF-reversed decreases in cell viability | 25720435 |
H9c2? | Function Assay | 2/10 μM | 2 h | abrogates?the cytoprotective effects of IL-27 against SH | 25820907 |
HASMC | Function Assay | 1.25-5 μM | 20 min | inhibits p-(Y)-STAT-1,3,5 signals? | 25849622 |
H9c2 | Function Assay | 10?μM | 4?h | reverses the effects of IL-27 | 26339633 |
HONE1 | Function Assay | 0-20 μM | 0-4 h | inhibits Stat3 activation in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
CNE1 | Cell Viability Assay | 0.5-64 μM | 48 h | suppresses cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
CNE2 | Cell Viability Assay | 0.5-64 μM | 48 h | suppresses cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
HONE1 | Cell Viability Assay | 0.5-64 μM | 48 h | suppresses cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
C666-1? | Cell Viability Assay | 0.5-64 μM | 48 h | suppresses cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner | 23382914 |
CNE1 | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM? | 48 h | induces apoptosis? | 23382914 |
CNE2 | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM? | 48 h | induces apoptosis? | 23382914 |
HONE1 | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM? | 48 h | induces apoptosis? | 23382914 |
CNE2 | Cell Viability Assay | 1/2 μM | 48 h | sensitize cells to radiotherapy | 23382914 |
HONE1 | Cell Viability Assay | 1/2 μM | 48 h | sensitize cells to radiotherapy | 23382914 |
C666-1? | Cell Viability Assay | 1/2 μM | 48 h | sensitize cells to radiotherapy | 23382914 |
HEC-1A | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 24 h | blocks the MUC20-enhanced invasion triggered by 10% FBS | 23262208 |
RL95-2 | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 24 h | blocks the MUC20-enhanced invasion triggered by 10% FBS | 23262208 |
HEC-1A | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 24 h | blocks the MUC20-enhanced invasion triggered by EGF? | 23262208 |
RL95-2 | Function Assay | 1?μM? | 24 h | blocks the MUC20-enhanced invasion triggered by EGF? | 23262208 |
CT26 | Function Assay | 20 mM | 1 h | suppresses HGF-induced VEGF expression? | 23233163 |
UM-SCC-17B | Function Assay | 0-30 μM | 0-24 h | inhibits STAT3 activation dose and time dependently | 22770899 |
OSC-19 | Function Assay | 0-30 μM | 0-24 h | inhibits STAT3 activation dose and time dependently | 22770899 |
Cal33 | Function Assay | 0-30 μM | 0-24 h | inhibits STAT3 activation dose and time dependently | 22770899 |
UM-SCC-22B | Function Assay | 0-30 μM | 0-24 h | inhibits STAT3 activation dose and time dependently | 22770899 |
U-87MG | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
U-373MG | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
SH-SY5Y | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
Tu-9648 | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
Neuro-2a | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
PCNs | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
PGCs | Cell Viability Assay | 0-10 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability dose dependently | 25436682 |
RAW264.7 | Function Assay | 10 μM | 12 h | abrogates the mRNA expressions of JAK2, STAT1, STAT2, and STAT3 induced by DON and T-2 toxin | 22454431 |
RAW264.7 | Apoptosis Assay | 5/10 μM | 45 min | enhances toxins induced apoptosis and MMP loss | 22454431 |
SW480 | Cell Viability Assay | 5/10/20 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability of the ALDH+/CD133+?cells | 21900397 |
HCT116 | Cell Viability Assay | 5/10/20 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability of the ALDH+/CD133+?cells | 21900397 |
DLD-1? | Cell Viability Assay | 5/10/20 μM | 72 h | inhibits cell viability of the ALDH+/CD133+?cells | 21900397 |
SNU387? | Cell Viability Assay | 20?μM? | 24 h | reduces cell viability | 21311975 |
SNU398 | Cell Viability Assay | 20?μM? | 24 h | reduces cell viability | 21311975 |
HepG2 | Cell Viability Assay | 20?μM? | 24 h | reduces cell viability | 21311975 |
Huh-7 | Cell Viability Assay | 20?μM? | 24 h | reduces cell viability | 21311975 |
VSMC | Growth Inhibition Assay | 3/5/10 μM | 30 min | prevents PDGF- and thrombin-mediated VSMC proliferation in a dose-dependent manner | 20847306 |
MDA-MB-231 | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | induces apoptosis | 17114005 |
MDA-MB-435S | Apoptosis Assay | 10 μM | 24 h | induces apoptosis | 17114005 |
MDA-MB-231 | Function assay | 1 to 10 uM | 12 hrs | Inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation at Tyr705 in human MDA-MB-231 cells at 1 to 10 uM after 12 hrs by western blot analysis | 24904966 |
MDA-MB-231 | Anticancer assay | 1 to 10 uM | 48 hrs | Anticancer activity against human MDA-MB-231 cells assessed as cell growth inhibition, apoptosis and cellular morphological changes at 1 to 10 uM after 48 hrs by light microscopy | 24904966 |
MDA-MB-231 | Function assay | 1 to 10 uM | 12 hrs | Decrease in STAT3 protein expression in human MDA-MB-231 cells at 1 to 10 uM after 12 hrs by western blot analysis | 24904966 |
CNE1 | Growth Inhibition Assay | 4 μM | significantly reduces cell viability | 23382914 | |
PC3M-1E8 | Clonogenic Survival Assay | 2.5/5/10 μM | inhibits?the colony formation significantly | 25261365 | |
NPC? | Function Assay | 0-7.5 μM | abolishes EMT-like molecular alterations, and cell migration and invasion induced by RKIP knockdown | 25915430 | |
OV2008 | Apoptosis Assay | 24/48 h | enhances cisplatin-induced apoptosis | 23962558 | |
C13* | Apoptosis Assay | 24/48 h | enhances cisplatin-induced apoptosis | 23962558 | |
AsPC1 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human AsPC1 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by MTS assay, IC50 = 1.32 μM. | 24904966 | |
MDA-MB-231 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against ER-negative and triple-negative human MDA-MB-231 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by MTS assay, IC50 = 2.89 μM. | 24904966 | |
MCF7 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against ER-positive human MCF7 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by MTS assay, IC50 = 3.6 μM. | 24904966 | |
PANC1 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human PANC1 cells assessed as inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hrs by MTS assay, IC50 = 3.77 μM. | 24904966 | |
MDA-MB-231 | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human MDA-MB-231 cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 1.56 μM. | 26396689 | |
MDA-MB-435S | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human MDA-MB-435S cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 1.87 μM. | 26396689 | |
MCF7 | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human MCF7 cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 2.16 μM. | 26396689 | |
A549 | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human A549 cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 2.5 μM. | 26396689 | |
DU145 | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human DU145 cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 2.5 μM. | 26396689 | |
PANC1 | Cytotoxicity assay | 48 hrs | Cytotoxicity against human PANC1 cells assessed as growth inhibition after 48 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 2.9 μM. | 26396689 | |
HCT116 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human HCT116 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 1.08 μM. | 27718470 | |
MDA-MB-231 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human MDA-MB-231 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 1.68 μM. | 27718470 | |
MCF7 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human MCF7 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 2.36 μM. | 27718470 | |
A549 | Antiproliferative assay | 72 hrs | Antiproliferative activity against human A549 cells after 72 hrs by MTT assay, IC50 = 4.4 μM. | 27718470 | |
AD293 | Function assay | 6 hrs | Inhibition of IFNgamma-stimulated GFP/FLAG-tagged STAT3 dimerization in human AD293 cells incubated for 6 hrs by Western blot analysis, IC50 = 5.1 μM. | 30228000 | |
MCF7 | Function assay | 12 hrs | Inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation at Y705 in human MCF7 cells after 12 hrs by Western blot analysis | 26396689 | |
MDA-MB-435S | Function assay | 12 hrs | Inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation at Y705 in human MDA-MB-435S cells after 12 hrs by Western blot analysis | 26396689 | |
MDA-MB-231 | Function assay | 12 hrs | Inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation at Y705 in human MDA-MB-231 cells after 12 hrs by Western blot analysis | 26396689 | |
UM-SCC-17B | Growth Inhibition Assay | IC50=2.562 ± 0.409 μM, GI50=1.279 ± 0.194 μM | 22770899 | ||
OSC-19 | Growth Inhibition Assay | IC50=3.481 ± 0.953 μM, GI50=1.366 ± 0.770 μM | 22770899 | ||
Cal33 | Growth Inhibition Assay | IC50=2.282 ± 0.423 μM, GI50=1.349 ± 0.363 μM | 22770899 | ||
UM-SCC-22B | Growth Inhibition Assay | IC50=2.648 ± 0.542 μM, GI50=1.320 ± 0.204 μM | 22770899 | ||
點擊查看更多細胞系數(shù)據(jù) |
產(chǎn)品描述 | Stattic 是第一個非肽類STAT3小分子抑制劑,有效抑制STAT3激活和核易位,IC50為5.1 μM,其作用于STAT3的選擇性遠高于STAT1。Stattic 可誘導凋亡。 | ||
特性 | Stattic是第一個非肽類小分子,抑制STAT3 SH2結(jié)構(gòu)域的功能,無論在體外STAT3磷酸化狀態(tài)。 | ||
靶點 |
體外研究(In Vitro) | ||||
體外研究活性 | Stattic抑制gp130受體衍生的含磷酸化酪氨酸的肽結(jié)合到STAT3 SH2結(jié)構(gòu)域,這種作用存在強烈的溫度依賴性。Stattic對酪氨酸磷酸化的肽結(jié)合到酪氨酸激酶Lck的SH2結(jié)構(gòu)域只有很微弱的作用效果。Stattic不抑制其他兩個二聚體轉(zhuǎn)錄因子(c-Myc/Max 和 Jun/Jun)的二聚化。Stattic抑制熒光素標記的磷酸化肽段結(jié)合到STAT1和STAT5b的SH2域。Stattic濃度為10 μM,選擇性抑制DNA與STAT3二聚體結(jié)合。Stattic抑制STAT3在Tyr705位點磷酸化,而對STAT1在Tyr701(HepG2細胞)位點磷酸化或 JAK1, JAK2, 和c-Src(MDA-MB-231和MDA-MB-235S細胞)磷酸化幾乎沒有抑制效果。Stattic增加STAT3依賴性的乳腺癌細胞系的凋亡率。[1] |
激酶實驗 | 高通量篩選和熒光偏振檢測 | |||
在約30°C下進行篩選。通過實驗化合物與STAT1, STAT5, 和 Lck 的SH2結(jié)構(gòu)域結(jié)合的類似實驗驗證篩選的特異性。所有FP實驗的Buffer組分的終濃度為10 mM HEPES(pH 7.5),1 mM EDTA,0.1% Nonidet P-40,50 mM NaCl,和10% DMSO。二硫蘇糖醇的存在對抑制活性是必不可少的。肽序列為:STAT3,5-carboxyfluorescein-GY(PO3H2)LPQTV-NH2; STAT1, 5-carboxyfluorescein-GY(PO3H2)DKPHVL;STAT5, 5-carboxyfluorescein-GY(PO3H2)LVLDKW; 和 Lck, 5-carboxyfluorescein-GY(PO3H2)EEIP。在 30°C下進行特異性分析, 使用150 nM蛋白(STAT1,STAT3,和STAT5)。在37°C下進行分析,使用370 nM 蛋白(STAT3)或100 nM蛋白 (Lck)。蛋白與實驗化合物在Eppendorf管中在指定溫度環(huán)境下溫育60分鐘,然后加入相應(yīng)的5-carboxyfluorescein標記的肽(終濃度為10 nM)?;旌衔镏辽倨胶?0分鐘,然后在室溫下測量。實驗化合物在20×stock在DMSO中稀釋到指定濃度。使用 SigmaPlot繪制結(jié)合曲線和抑制曲線。獨立實驗中,所有競爭曲線都需重復三次。 | ||||
細胞實驗 | 細胞系 | Ly3細胞 | ||
濃度 | ~2.5 μM | |||
孵育時間 | 48小時 | |||
方法 | MTS |
實驗圖片 | 檢測方法 | 檢測指標 | 實驗圖片 | PMID |
Western blot | PARP / C-PARP / Caspase-3 / C-Caspse-3 Survivin / c-Myc / Bcl-xl p-STAT3 / STAT3 |
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23382914 | |
Immunofluorescence | p-STAT3 / STAT3 / Survivin |
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25261365 | |
Growth inhibition assay | Cell viability |
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23382914 | |
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27456333 |
分子量 | 211.19 | 分子式 | C8H5NO4S |
CAS號 | 19983-44-9 | SDF | Download Stattic SDF |
Smiles | C1=CC(=CC2=C1C=CS2(=O)=O)[N+](=O)[O-] | ||
儲存條件(自收到貨起) | |||
體外溶解度 |
DMSO : 42 mg/mL ( (198.87 mM) ;DMSO吸濕會降低化合物溶解度,請使用新開封DMSO) Water : Insoluble Ethanol : Insoluble |
摩爾濃度計算器 |
體內(nèi)溶解度 現(xiàn)配現(xiàn)用,請按從左到右的順序依次添加,澄清后再加入下一溶劑 |
動物體內(nèi)配方計算器 |
工作液濃度: mg/ml;
DMSO母液配制方法: mg 藥物溶于μL DMSO溶液(母液濃度mg/mL,注:如該濃度超過該批次藥物DMSO溶解度,請先聯(lián)系Selleck);
體內(nèi)配方配制方法:取μL DMSO母液,加入μL PEG300,混勻澄清后加入μL Tween 80,混勻澄清后加入μL ddH2O,混勻澄清。
體內(nèi)配方配制方法:取μL DMSO母液,加入μL Corn oil,混勻澄清。
注意:1. 首先保證母液是澄清的;
* 必填項